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I created a monster!

bigharpoonbigharpoon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,909
After years of handing out cigars to my friends whenever I'm smoking one and they are interested in trying one, too, I finally sparked an interest in one of my friends that I think will last. Several friends have enjoyed the cigars I've handed them and many have taken me up on offers more than once, but these are the only occasions when they ever smoke, until now.

Last weekend while on a remote canoe trip in northern Maine my friend Andy told me "I think you created a monster. I've been buying cigars and smoking about one a week, sometimes more if there is a social occasion like a fishing trip or something. I can't remember what they were but I like the milder ones." Holy crap, I thought!

I wasn't expecting him to say this since the last cigar I gave him was a 5 Vegas Classic which he didn't really like too much. I immediately pulled out two Padilla '68s and we had a great after-dinner smoke around the camp fire and talked cigars. A little stronger than he was used to, he liked the pepper flavor at the beginning and when it mellowed out he enjoyed the easier flavors that followed and got to experience how good cigars can transition.

This is the first friend of mine who has truly enjoyed a cigar enough to buy them on his own. I feel pretty happy that I was able to introduce him to this great hobby, he has a wicked stressful job and needs some relaxation like nobody's business! Now I need to get together a nice little package and blow his house up!


  • DiamondogDiamondog Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,169
    Nice....there is only person I know that appreciates a cigar when I give him one, now he does not smoke often but when he does, he "knows" how to do it, has his own tools, knows how to relax and enjoy it and I know he appreciates a fine cigar. Any other people I give a cigar too it is out of politeness really, now of course they don't get the real good cigars but him I'd have no problem offering him my higher dollar cigars...
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    Kinda sad isn't it, that we want our friends to enjoy the experience, but a part of us doesn't want to 'waste' the great smokes on them until they have proven themselves. Been burned a few times when I found the bulk of a good cigar in the grass the morning after....weird feeling, not sure what to say to them...I've just ignored it, but part of me wants to know if it was the cigar's flavours or what it was. Oh well, it is only money :) And we can't really forget that perhaps it was someone else who shared a crap cigar with us that got us interested also....hmmm, just sayin'
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Smoke is not for everyone. I've given my best sticks to people (hoping to impress them) who did not really enjoy them. However, some of my house blend give-aways have made converts. Go figure.
  • crzydimnd68crzydimnd68 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 136
    I have had the satisfaction of re educating the guy that first turned me on to some pretty crappy cigars.
  • DSWarmackDSWarmack Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,426
    My commander got two boxes of cigars in the mail a while back

    Not having anywhere to store them he asked me to try and sell them off for him. I said no problem. He gave them to me and I asked around. No one was really interested (he wanted too much for improperly stored cigars) and he finally said, give me one. I offered him a trade. One of the DCCC's cigars for his.

    He said whatever and I got him one and showed him how to cut it. gave him lighting instructions and sent him out. I told him I'd be there in a minute. When I got outside he was sitting there with it like he was clueless. I asked him if he was gonna smoke it. He told me to give him a minute, 'I've never smoked ANYTHING in my life!' So he smoked a kopi and really enjoyed it. Smoked a cigar a night for the first week or two.

    Now he has calmed down a bit, 2-3 a week I believe, but it was great getting him thouroghly introduced to cigars!
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