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As a courtesy I want to make clear...

90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
Hey Brothers and Sisters, so I'm just about finished up with the first round and draft of my website... and wow has it grown far beyond what I ever expected it to be. I ended up buying my own domain and got a "work" email and site up right now and have expanded the site to incorporate many elements that I never really imagined that I could do.... more on that to come later ;) However, I was in need of a few shots of some of the sticks that our brothers and sisters have so generously posted on here. I want to make absolutely CRYSTAL CLEAR, that I did NOT try to pass of said photographs as my own and that I DID credit the individuals with their pics. If ANYONE wishes for me to remove a photo of a cigar that they have taken please let me know ASAP so that I do NOT offend anyone or step on their toes!! It is worth noting that these are JUST pictures of cigars that I am talking about on my site and that is the ONLY reason that I used the pictures at all, simply because it is a cigar that I am talking about but do NOT have in my humidor and therefore cannot take a picture of myself. Thanks all and a final draft of the site to come shortly!!!!!


  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
    Im wanted by the FBI....... please do not put any pictures of the cigars I smoke on there, wouldnt be fair to the cigars ;)
  • SalemSalem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 717
    I'm ready to see the website!! Give us the URL when you're done!!
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Click on the 'Irish Cigar Review' at the bottom of his post.
  • MVW67MVW67 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,447
    Don't see at bottom, is it because, I'm on a tablet? Got it now.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Okay all so the website is finally up and running, and the link in my signature is my NEW website from an entirely different domain but also host. Tell me what you think and some suggestions... I am constantly updating it and working on it, but it is still a work in progress! Thanks ALL


    That is the new website all!!!
  • WafflesWaffles Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 63
    It looks like a very good start. One thing I would change is the color of the links on the right, The mix of color(at least on my screen at 1680X1050 using chrome) hurts my eyes.

    Might work better to have a navigation bar on the left, a news feed in the center and other info far right. Its a tried and true design layout.

    EDIT: You might want to have godaddy hide your name address etc. You are going to get alot of spam at your published email address.
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    If I ever post a pic you need feel free to use it.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Thank you one and all for the input and kind words so far!! There are a few things I'd like to say to clear up any possible confusion.

    first of all I am still very much a shaved-tail Louiie when it comes to web design or anything regarding web development, so bear with me while I work out the kinks.

    Secondly, there are a number of pages that are still under construction; the Cigar News page currently has nothing on it since I want it to be as up to date as possible. The first thing I am thinking of putting on it is actually about the moronic FDA trying to *** with the premium cigar market, so any input on what I should include and links that I should have present is appreciated and welcomed!! I will have a link to the CRA and possibly one to TAA as well but I'm still working out the logistics of it. Any other important cigar related news that ANY of you are privy to I would really appreciate a PM detailing the news in question. I will ALWAYS credit my sources for pictures, information, and references so do not worry about that!

    Thirdly, I have so FAR only put up three links to BOTL's blogs or sites, if you would like yours hot-linked into my site PLEASE just ask as I am HAPPY to do so for any reason!!!! Also, I have put up some updates on recent cigar releases that are of interest to me and have a very detailed listing of most releases from 2011. I currently only have up releases from Drew Estate since they are one of my favored manufacturers and cigars that I truly enjoy. However some Viaje, Illusione, Tatuaje, Padron, and My Father will be added hopefully by tonight!! It is a long and arduous process for me to add the info, origins, story and relevant information about each release so it may be slow going at first, but I will update the list regularly!! If you have any suggestions on sticks that you wish me to feature I strongly encourage EVERONE to PM me and detail what you want me to feature and why!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Oh, and a giant thank you to each and every brother and sister here for supporting me so completely in this passion of mine and the drive I have for breaking into the cigar or tobacconist industry... I can't do it without your guys/gals support and it means the world to me, so thank you from the bottom of my heart!!

    please please please spread the word about my site everywhere that you can, it would help a ton!! I'm creating a Facebook page and twitter account for my site tonight and that should help as well, but every little bit of exposure will help me guys! If you have a relationship with any cigar company and feel comfortable pointing them towards my site I would be eternally grateful! Just give me a heads up about who and what they are and what they are looking for or at so that I may be able to put something relevant to that cigar company up I would truly be grateful!! Thank you all!!! Here's to 2012 being the year the The Irishman takes the tobacco industry by storm!!!!
  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    I gave ya a "thumbs up" on stumble upon. hopefully that will give ya a lil traffic.
  • pbchevopbchevo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 712
    website looks good. keep up the good reviews
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    It looks like a very good start. One thing I would change is the color of the links on the right, The mix of color(at least on my screen at 1680X1050 using chrome) hurts my eyes.

    Might work better to have a navigation bar on the left, a news feed in the center and other info far right. Its a tried and true design layout.

    EDIT: You might want to have godaddy hide your name address etc. You are going to get alot of spam at your published email address.
    I'd stay away from using bold red font on a black background.......but that's just me....in fact I'd not use a black background at all.

  • BigT06BigT06 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,899
    site is coming along well! I think it would be really cool to use a Celtic font... sort of feed off the theme, ya know...
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    site is coming along well! I think it would be really cool to use a Celtic font... sort of feed off the theme, ya know...
    Killer idea Todd, and thanks a lot!! I'll take a look through the fonts and see what I can find, otherwise I'll find a different way to incorporate the Irish theme into the site as I agree that could be a great and fun way to tie a theme together!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Okay so here are the updates currently.... Over 110 new pictures uploaded on the gallery page, 2 new "friend's" links and info added as well. 3 new sticks featured in the Recent Cigar Releases, and new colors and backgrounds to make it MUCH easier on the eyes! Also created a Facebook page and Twitter for Irishman Cigars as well. Thanks all!!!

    For Facebook Fans: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Irishman-Cigars

    And Finally for Twitter Fans: Follow me on Twitter @IrishmanCigars

  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    checked out the site. I like it but dont like the lag of the photo thing thats going on. the loading thing.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Thanks for the feedback Isaac, I just checked it out myself and can't generate the issue that you are referring to on my computer unless I am confused... very possible lol! By "loading" are you referring to the entire page taking time to load, as if there is too many things to load and it bogs down? Or the delay between how long the pics cycle through the slideshow? If it is the former, then I think it might be your internet connection since I do not have that issue on my end?? If others have this problem please tell me so that I can hopefully figure out why and what to change to fix it! Thanks!!!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    checked out the site. I like it but dont like the lag of the photo thing thats going on. the loading thing.
    Other than the loading (looking into it) any input on cigars that you think should be featured or shot for the "Recent Cigar Releases" or "Industry News" sections?? I was thinking about putting up info and links to the CRA and TAA for those that want to get involved... good idea, bad idea?? Thank you for the input and suggestions Isaac!
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    you have a good mix of everything up.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    OK - white font on black is better.
    The 'loading" issue is one you need to fix. I THINK the problem is that your background image is not optimized (as in, the file size reduced as much as possible) - it is a background image afterall, and does not need to be that perfect - it should be around 75k tops, I'm betting it's bigger.
    Also, the nav links on the left side still are hard to read on the home page, because they rest in the black background, with the defauilt llink color.
    There are different ways to address this
    1) change the link font color
    2) make your page into three sections (table) and have the left side be your nav bar, with a plain, light background, etc.
    3) Make your nav links "buttons".....small cigars for instance!.....and when you hover over them, the cigar lights!....that would be slick.

    Good work, and keep your head down and keep on grinding......it will be a year or two before you're "happy" with the site................and it will continue to evolve after that.
  • lcpleellcpleel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,447
    OK - white font on black is better.
    The 'loading" issue is one you need to fix. I THINK the problem is that your background image is not optimized (as in, the file size reduced as much as possible) - it is a background image afterall, and does not need to be that perfect - it should be around 75k tops, I'm betting it's bigger.
    Also, the nav links on the left side still are hard to read on the home page, because they rest in the black background, with the defauilt llink color.
    There are different ways to address this
    1) change the link font color
    2) make your page into three sections (table) and have the left side be your nav bar, with a plain, light background, etc.
    3) Make your nav links "buttons".....small cigars for instance!.....and when you hover over them, the cigar lights!....that would be slick.

    Good work, and keep your head down and keep on grinding......it will be a year or two before your "happy" with the site................and it will continue to evolve after that.

    so im not the only one with the loading problem.
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    Check the size of this file in your site's image directory

    See how big it is - if it's over 75K - use photoshop, or whatever, and reduce the file size
    pm me if you need help
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Check the size of this file in your site's image directory

    See how big it is - if it's over 75K - use photoshop, or whatever, and reduce the file size
    pm me if you need help
    Thank you so much brothers!!! Like I said the fact that I have gotten as far as I have with the site in the past two days is NOT a testament to my skills but rather my ability to never give up lol.... I am a TOTAL MENTAL MIDGET when it comes to any type of semi-in-depth web development and this is by far the largest undertaking I have done in this type of field. The fact that it is where it is so far is something I'm certainly a little proud of but I really want it to be something that will blow away anyone who gets on it!

    King, thank you for the input I'll PM you with questions and see if you know and are willing to help me figure out WTH is going on. Thank you!!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Resized all fo the background images for all pages to less than 40K so tat SHOULD fix everything about the loading issues... please let me know asap if not. I haven't been able to figure out how to change the color let alone size or picture for the links on the left. I am using WebSite Tonight (I bought the 10 page deluxe package from them and a personal professional email along with the rights to the domain name so no I can't change who I am using right now) and am still VERY much a noob idiot at it. If anyone knows this program and how I can change the color, size, and picture for the links in the top left please let me know!
  • HippiebrianHippiebrian Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 146
    Nice site! Have to give a +1 to everyone who said to change the ink though. That black letter on red background you have on the new releases really bugged my eyes.

    Keep up the good work, looking forward to more!
  • MTuccelliMTuccelli Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,587
    Your blog is looking much better Brett. Any chance to lighten up the blue on your site menu? I have to agree with Hippiebrian the black lettering on red background is brutal, makes it tough to read

  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Dunno how to change the coloring or size of the links yet but working on it... as for the black on red... on it should be changed in 10 min! Thanks guys!!!
  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    OK - that background image is still causing some problems imho.
    Here's what I would do as a short term solution.....change your background to white...no image.

    I'm not familiar with your web editor, but all you need to do is replace the background image you have now, with a bg color tag, and use "FFFFF" - which is white.

    Then in the coming weeks maybe you can find/make a background that is lighter and easier on the eyes....(I would still consider not having a background image if it were up to me......)
    The most important thing initially is to let people EASILY enjoy your content......you can work on making it pretty and high tech in the future........just my $.02........now get back to work!

  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    90+ Irishman:
    Dunno how to change the coloring or size of the links yet but working on it... as for the black on red... on it should be changed in 10 min! Thanks guys!!!
    link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' id='color_1.css' href='color_1.css?1018689870' /

    I THINK your link color data is here.
    You are using a wysiwyg editor I'm assuming....correct?...(you are not dabbling in raw code)

    Somewhere in your editor you will be able to change the link color.
    But note - if you have a white, or other lite background, your link color will be fine
  • ENFIDLENFIDL Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,836
    Site is looking great and thanks for the shout out to my blog on there brother!
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