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Lifes ups and downs

Tyland64Tyland64 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 714
Well, how do I begin. Life can through you a curve ball from time to time, and here are mine. The last couple of weeks have been crazy. It started with putting Grandma in hospice, then she pasted. She was 94 and had a good run. Went to Cigar Fest with some great CCOM brothers and met many more, just a great time. Went into work on Monday after Cfest and found out that I had been replaced, didn't see this coming. Guess I should have taken a transfer when they wanted me too. Same day found out Old Mike, wifes cat of 13 yrs has cancer. Had to put him down Saturday morning, not a good felling. Tuesday got a frantic call from my wife, she was on her way home from Ann Arbor and stopped east of Detroit to use the bathroom. She walked out to her alarm going off and two guys busting out her window and going through her purse. She yelled at them and grabbed her purse, but they got away with the goods.After canceling everything she had in her purse I thought wow can this get any better. She tells me that my bank card and credit card were in her purse. Got a letter from former employer letting me know I no longer have health insurance. How about the ups, made my last child support payment this month,feels great. Getting some projects done ( coolidor). My wife got a job offer with a unreal raise. Here's the draw back, we have to move to Cuyuga county New York. My new job is Move Master. The next 6 weeks are going to be madness, packing and moving 400 miles east,graduation of youngest boy and getting him off to college, finding a place and oh ya finding a new job. I can honestly say this is not the worst time, hey no one was shooting at me lol .... So CCOM brothers in the Rochester, Syrc. and Auburn area I'll be looking for ya in late June. Luke


  • BombayBombay Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,207
    Luke sorry to hear about the downs but keep moving forward brother I am sure it'll get better.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Good Luck with your new look at life, whether you like it or not here it comes. Try and have a glass half full mentality, wish I could do that. Hope all works out.
  • bearbbearb Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,044
    My thoughts are certainly with you luke. When it rains, sometimes it certainly pours...but i have learned that, as i going through a similarly rough patch myself, that.... it cannot rain forever! Your positive attitude and perserverence will get you through. Hang in there, draw upon the supports that you have in place, the remember all of the great memories. When the sun shines though, life will get better again...and perhaps highlight things you never thought possible!
  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
    I hear you brother, sometimes it feels like life is really taking a dump on you. Hope things turn Goethe best with the move. Always remember when one door closes another opens.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,064
    wow man, horrible downs but the ups look great, prayers to you and yours.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    Sorry about all the bad, but at least there's some good to go with it. Just keep swimming.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    Wow man that is a hell of a bumpy road!! I hope everything goes well for you and if you need any advice on the moving let me know! I really hope everything just goes up from here and that you have not lost all hope. Life's a b!tch but it is what you make of it. Good luck and best wishes
  • ddubridgeddubridge Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,949
    Hang in there brother. Things are looking up. Hopfully the move goes well for you. I am sad to here we're losing a Michigan member.
  • Tyland64Tyland64 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 714
    Thanks for the good karma fellas. Things are going very well. I have had some good smokes at the burn barrel the last few days.
  • curtpickcurtpick Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,600
    Hang in there Tyland !
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