Non aromatics help

in Pipes
So for some of you pipe vets out there, I'm looking at trying some no aromatic tobacco. Since I smoke the pipe indoors (as the wife and even myself don't like cigars stinking the house up) so there needs to be a nice aroma both while smoking and the lasting effects. Now that's about it. I'm still getting the hang of packing so anything that won't be a *** to keep going would be nice. Anyway I am down for suggestions or favs you all might have. I heard of the frog stuff, which I might try. Sounds good, just needs to meet the aroma test.
Making her part of the decision process is the biggest part of the battle.
House blends are usually just Altadis bulk that are renamed. Some like them, I do not care for most of them, still they might be worth trying.
A traditional smoke that the wife likes? That could be difficult. Does she smoke too, that would have a big effect on your choices IMO.
I really like Peterson's Sherlock Holmes which is a great VA/Bur that has a good room note that might work. If she smokes some English blends that are light on the Lat. might be OK if not avoid them all together. Let us know either way, more suggestions can be made.
Oh, what do you like right now? That too could help.
Not so. Alot are Lane Ltd. Also on my supplier's list is McClelland who makes Frog Morton and there are about 68 McClelland blends to choose from. Find the right one and its under $10 for 4 ounces vs $16 for less than 4 ounces. Try 43 different manufacturers of bulk pipe tobacco including the biggest names and each one has a number of blends as you can see.
I'd rather pay $1.55/ounce at the quant I buy than buying by the gram. Not to mention free shipping. Buy your grams, I'll buy my Lbs. LOL. Part of the fun is trying bulk blends and blending your own. Thats what I do. You can buy as little as 1 ounce or 100 ounces or more.
I have what I call Walt's Blend. It is 50/50 Altadis Black Kathy and Lane Ltd BLWB. Black Kathy is a non biting Cavendish and BLWB is a non aromatic I use for blending purposes. Send me a PM and I'll get you a sample. She should like it and guaranteed not to bite and not really what I would call an aromatic. My main blend. Maybe I should put it on the market for all the samples going out. LOL
Tex, maybe we are talking about different things here. I know of many B&M's that sell a wide range of bulk, but most of those are under the manufactures' own name (e.g., Dunhill, etc.). By House Blends I am referring to the B&M renaming the blend and placing the B&M's logo on it. These are in my experience usually (but not always) Altadis.
You are correct buying in bulk is much cheaper many manufactures offer the same blend in either the bulk or tinned version, but not all do. I also have not been lucky enough to find Frog Morton in bulk. If you happen to have a line on that I would be very interested.
If they list some by brand like Dunhill thats great. Saves having to sweet talk them out of the mfg and Name they order by. I know you will probably see 1Q which seems to be the most popular house blend Under a different name which is actually Lane Ltd. or LL7, or BCA and RLP6 all under different house names; All Lane. I found Altadis Black Kathy strictly by reading the descriptions and reviews by customers. I'm talking about Altadis and Lane only because they are the largest companies. That is why I just started the Forum pipe blend thread to develope our own bulk blend and have P&C make it up for us. See what developes. I'll bet we could duplicate Frog by combining McClelland Blends or adding one from another mfg.
No suggestions from me other than smoke a sample at the B&M with your wife present. The Lane ltd. BLWB is a Burley with no bite. Thus the initials. However BLWB has only a tobacco smell. Reviews say the plain blend is not favorable to the ladies. If they have a nice aroma to sniff in the house. Than your chances are better. You can get some mild cavendish like Altadis Black Kathy or Lane 1Q mix of virginia and cavendish or BCA which is a Cavendish. I've smoked all of them.
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