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It's Been One Helluva Ride...3K Posts Wow



  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    IT"S A BOY !!!
  • IONTCIONTC Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 172
    IT"S A BOY !!!

    I literally laughed out loud. oh and congrats you two!
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Congrats for putting the stem on the apple.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    90+ Irishman:
    Found out yesterday what the newest update is since I'm in Texas and Amanda had her first ultrasound yesterday.... We are expecting one child with a due date of March 3rd, 2013!!! That would be only ten days before my own birthday and will be the greatest birthday gift I could imagine regardless of when Peanut decides to be born lol! Only have one ultrasound pic but figured y'all may enjoy it, thank you all so much for the support and kindness it means so much!!

    It didn't worry you that Jiunn was doing the ultrasound? Lol. Congrats again brother, one day we will share a stick in celebration.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    Congrats Brett. Wish you the best. Becareful from the sympathy pain and effects. Sometime the chemistry of the child development affect both the father and the pregnant mother. If you have that, do not be nervous. One out of ten father experience this in certain level.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Thanks guys for all the congrats and kind wishes!!! Everything has been going well, got back late last night from my final week of classroom training in Texas and ended up graduating at the top of my class so I am now officially a tech ;) I head back to work again tomorrow at 6 am and start working on my own from my own van this week so I am looking forward to all of the challenges and opportunities to prove myself and advance! Amanda has luckily started to feel slightly better and has also graduated at the very top of her class for her training too and starts out on the actual job Monday for her too.

    When I was down in Dallas, I met up with Chris Streater a few times and had an absolute blast with him! Streater is a great guy and his generosity and kindness knew no bounds! Chris it was my pleasure meeting you and herfing with you bro thank you again for such a great blast!!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Oh and a quick shout out to the amazing generosity and brother that sent me the San Cristobal Selecion Del Sol that I had at the pool at the hotel.... brillaint and thank you again!

  • RhamlinRhamlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,530
  • zeebrazeebra Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,166
    Congrats Brett!! Wish you and Amanda a healthy baby. Congrats again! If you are in Houston, shoot me a pm.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Thanks everyone! Work has been ramping up even more and getting even more hours as well; on the bare minimum side this week (assuming only 10 hr days which are SHORT shifts at DISH) I'll log in 79 hrs at work this week with the possibility of putting in closer to 85+ hrs in all likelihood. Amanda is still doing well and just struggling a little with the allergies and morning sickness but all in all so far everything has gone very smoothly! We have another ultrasound coming up next week so I will hopefully be able to make this one! Thank you all for such kind wishes and amazing support, I'll keep y'all posted as much as I can!
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Congrats to you and Amanda Brett! Sorry I missed you in Texas. We will have to figure something out on that herf, lol....
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996

    Glad to see you stopping back in to check on us "little people" these days. Haven't been following this thread, but just looked through it and it may be a little late but a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to both you and Amanda on your recent job-related achievements.

    Sounds like you are both busier than a 1-armed paper hanger, between work and your preparations for the little one.
    I'm sending good thoughts your way and wish you both continued success at work and nothing but the best as you prepare for the newest addition to your family.

    Congrats again, and keep us posted on how things are going!
    Stay well!
  • StreaterStreater Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 293
    It was really great to meet you, Brett. I had a great time and learned A FRIGGIN TON! Feel free to call or text ANY TIME. You and your family ALWAYS have a place to stay in Dallas. Just try to give us about 6 hours notice so we can put fresh sheets in one of the guest bedrooms. I'll look you up on my next blast through Colorado. I'm really happy for you and your lady! There is no doubt in my mind that you will be a fantastic Dad! I can't wait to meet the youngling! Cheers Brother!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    It was really great to meet you, Brett. I had a great time and learned A FRIGGIN TON! Feel free to call or text ANY TIME. You and your family ALWAYS have a place to stay in Dallas. Just try to give us about 6 hours notice so we can put fresh sheets in one of the guest bedrooms. I'll look you up on my next blast through Colorado. I'm really happy for you and your lady! There is no doubt in my mind that you will be a fantastic Dad! I can't wait to meet the youngling! Cheers Brother!
    Thanks Chris, I had a fantastic time as well brother and really appreciate you showing me the different lounges around bro! Great conversations and great smokes too, you and your family are always welcome at our place in Colorado too brother!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Well there are a few updates that y'all may be interested in as well as some overdue HUGE THANK YOU'S!!!

    First off, Amanda and I recently got our first sonogram together, her second one lol, and found out that as of today we are 11 weeks exactly along and the March 3rd expected delivery date is right on schedule! Here is the most recent picture we have of Peanut; on the right is the head with nose and ears starting to be formed, and the limbs coming in as well with the umbilical cord visible on the left :) Amanda is doing much much better with the morning sickness and is starting to show noticeably now!


    A HUGE HUGE thank you to Shane (DJMeemixx) and to Brett (FTG) for the massive hits they have both laid on me recently!!! Shane, thank you and your wife for such a fantastic gift and thought as well as the killer boxes and cigars for Amanda for once she can return to cigar smoking!



    Brett decided to hit me with TWO Casa Fuente Lancero's and the most bad-ass lighter money can buy! Bro, you are so over the TOP and I cannot thank you enough!!!! Had a great time herfing with you and talking trucks and cars and can't wait to hook up again my friend, thank you really!!!


    Last but not least, Ol Darthy decided I needed a little pun and irony asking me "Who's your Daddy".... Darth, I give! I'll join the Darkside... your cookies are better anyways! Thank you brother, really!!!!

  • mmccartneydcmmccartneydc Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,358
    Very nice hit guys!!! Brett, congrats once again!!! You guys deserve these and "peanut" deserves his/her bomb as well!!!!!!
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I smell Johnson and Johnsons baby powder in your future. Congratulations!
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Very nice Brett..enjoy, that's a great hit fellas
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,064
    Glad u and the wifey like everything!
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Wowwwww, nice Brett. DJ and Darthy did a good number on you.
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Glad u and the wifey like everything!
    Thank you and your wife Shane, we truly loved everything, and this was the first baby stuff we had gotten period so it was truly exciting for us both and really made it sink in that I'm going to be a Daddy and that a new life is coming into this world... huge feelings and emotions, but this is way cool! Thank you very much brother!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    RCY Cigars:
    Wowwwww, nice Brett. DJ and Darthy did a good number on you.
    Hell-yeah they did! Thank you Rick, and congrats on the ass-whomping you've been receiving from some of the kick-ass brothers on here my friend ;)
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Thanks to everyone for their kind words and wishes, we are so so very excited and have been in overdrive getting everything ready and working as many hours as humanly possible to stack that liquid cash to have the means to give Peanut the best that we can ;)

    On that note however, just wanted to say that I have TRULY missed you all and the wonderful setting and environment that is the Ccom brotherhood and forum! There are many new faces, and I would like to say a big hello and welcome to my home away from home; may it become the same for you all someday soon! I wish I could be on here and catching up much more often and be back and deep into the trades and bombs that are flying around so heavily, not to mention the banter and hilarious ribbing that is constantly going on, but alas work has kept me insanely busy! Most weeks average 70-90 hrs/wk and most shifts are 12-16 hrs/day and I just can't fit much time in to do anything else :( For those that have my number, text me brothers and always feel free to call; it's a much easier way to get ahold of me right now and I love catching up and chatting with you all as well! For those that don't have my number and wish to.... PM me, I've been checking my PM Box daily just in case someone needs to get ahold of me, so feel free to ask even if we haven't talked much I'm always happy to get to know the new and young blood in the brotherhood ;) Thank you all, and blessed be to you all!
  • 90+ Irishman90+ Irishman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,868
    Oh and a few new additions were added to the humi's thanks to my amazing wife :D




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