
in Cigar 101
what is the fundimenal differances between cigaretts and cigars. are the health risks the same as cigaretts? i find myself more involved with gigars but want to know more about thr highs and lows about them for my own. im a 20 year cigarett smoke and jumping into cigars. info will be greatly appreciated.
a few reasons actually.
the way that cigarettes deliver nicotine vs. the way cigars deliver nicotine is completely different. if you are trying to "switch to something "safer"" then you are not going to find it here. People who smoke cigarettes tend to have the habit of inhaling cigars as well. this is a bad idea (even worse than cigarettes). cigars are not filtered and use a stronger tobacco.
as far as health is concerned...
if you started to smoke cigars without taking it into your lungs and only had about one or two a day (average cigar smoker) then there are almost no greater health risks than that of non-tobacco users. if you are a nicotine addict and smoke 6,7,9... cigars a day then the health risk jumps.
other differences? cigarettes have additives where as cigars are a 100% all natural product.
cigarettes are a mechanical product. Premium hand made cigars are a work of art.
cigarettes are a habit. cigars are a hobby.
i would also recommend quitting cigarettes before smoking cigars because cigarettes have a way of killing your palate. you simply cannot taste as well if you are a cigarette smoker.
how fundamental are we speaking here?
cigarettes produce an acidic smoke; cigars--alkaline
cigarettes: tiny bits of tobacco. cigars: long whole leaf filler.
i hope it helped.
good luck?
I was a cigarette and occasional cigar smoker for years and when I decided to quit cigarettes I quit all tobacco products for a good six months before I picked up a cigar.
Beyond the health risks of nicotine in general, I'm glad not to be inhaling smoke today, physically my respiratory health seems better.
It's all in my head man....sick puppy up there.
I quit smoking a couple years ago as I was just getting into cigars. That probably explains why I don't always taste some of the complex flavors of cigars. But I do remember what sickratts taste like...@SS!
one cigar has more nicotine than one cigarette. its the delivery system that makes it different. when you bring the smoke from a cigarette into your lungs the nicotine can enter your blood very quickly and at a high rate per puff. in a cigar the nicotine enters the body through the walls of your cheeks. this is a much less efficient way to get nicotine into the blood system. it is less nicotine per draw over a much longer amount of time. cigarettes are more dangerous.
i wish i could remember where i read this so i could cite it but, i read that studies show you can smoke up to two churchill size cigars a day and have very little impact on your overall health in the long term.
here is a link to some related issue but not exactly what we are looking for... ill get working on referencing my claim.
... I cant seem to find the article i was thinking about. I think it was in cigar-magazine. it was an article relating cigar smoking health myths(and how they are using it to raise taxes via s-chip) and global warming (and how they are using that fraud to raise taxes also)
ill try and get my hands on it to give the issue date.
Cigar Magazine Summer 2008 issue in an article named "Second hand smoke and global warming: more connected than you think"
Cigar Magazine Summer 2005 issue an article named "junk science"