Home Pipes

Who remembers these

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
Years and years ago I had a pipe made from a non traditional material. I can't remember what the name of the pipe or material was. One suggested it was corning ware. Mine was avocado. LOL That should give you an idea of the period. LOL
I wish I still had it. Good smoker and you could wash it. It would be great for trying out new blends etc. Just wash it out and smoke another blend. Anybody know of these or where I can get ahold of one?


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    Years and years ago I had a pipe made from a non traditional material. I can't remember what the name of the pipe or material was. One suggested it was corning ware. Mine was avocado. LOL That should give you an idea of the period. LOL
    I wish I still had it. Good smoker and you could wash it. It would be great for trying out new blends etc. Just wash it out and smoke another blend. Anybody know of these or where I can get ahold of one?
    Walt, I believe this was most likely a porcelain pipe. It fits the time period lol. These are great, they cannot ghost, they can be washed out with water. As far as I know, no co. is making anything like that now but I do see some on ebay, but they are not often cheap. I would, unless you are collecting and just need one for your collection, just go with a clay.

    Clay's do the same thing and they can be put in the oven and bake to get all the stuff out of it. They are a lot cheaper right now too.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Thanks for the info.
    Do you all here me out there? all you pipe makers. Bring back the porcelain pipe. LOL
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Went on the web and more than likely my pipe was Bakelite.
    Hey out there! bring back the Bakelite pipe and not from China. LOL
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    You should be able to find Bakelite on ebay as well. Not as expensive as the others. I have not used one myself.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    The nice looking pipes come out of China. Not sure I want to puff on a pipe made from who knows what materials. LOL
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Check out some rock cobs. They are not clinchers but do not ghost or heat up much. You can blow samples through the thing almost all day.

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 17
    I believe i actually have one of these pipes of which you talk about.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    I believe i actually have one of these pipes of which you talk about.

    Smoke it?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 97
    It sounds like it could be The Pipe or The Smoke line of pipes. Or actually, since it was avocado color, probably the Venturi which ran from '72-75. You can still find them on eBay. They were resin pipes and the original line, The Pipe, had a graphite liner. I don't believe the Venturi did, however. Anyway, if I were a betting man that's what I'd put my money on it being.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    You've hit the proverbial nail on the head. Time is right and I think mine had a graphite lining. It was a bent as are most all my pipes. Thanks for the info.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 17
    I believe i actually have one of these pipes of which you talk about.

    Smoke it?
    I do pretty often actually. I like using it when i wanna try out new blends I seem to get lots of flavor out of it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    my brother has this pipe but in a strange 70s powder blue. is this the pipe you were talking about?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Mine was a typical bent where the resin bowl included the neck. It was also Avocado but yeah. The bowl looks the same.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 232
    I have always been curious on how these smoke, but I couldn't imagine the looks I would get smoking one of these in public...they are just to art deco for my taste.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 429
    Other n the weight they were good smoking. Best part was the ability to hose them down so you'd have a fresh pipe to test smoke blends without ghosts. LOL
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 97
    I have always been curious on how these smoke, but I couldn't imagine the looks I would get smoking one of these in public...they are just to art deco for my taste.
    It's already a problem, but even more so with these pipes I'd imagine everyone (mostly younger people) would assume it's pot.
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