Home Pipes

My new to me, pipes

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 859
Just got these estate pipes in the mail today. I can't wait to give the a whirl. photo 20140208_105416_zpsuykpo5gw.jpg


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 392
    Nice pipes. I am currently using corn cob pipes. Work very well for me. Found a place on line that sells corn cob pipes with bamboo stem. They look really cool.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    Nice finds. I have a couple corncobs for work and keep my nive ones at home. Wanting to find a good deal om a new one soon.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    Very nice pipes! They should work great after a good cleaning, unless they came cleaned too.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 859
    Very nice pipes! They should work great after a good cleaning, unless they came cleaned too.
    They say they were clean, however I cleaned them just to make sure. I've was a little dirty, the other was already pretty clean.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    I have a guy in Germany that I bought 2 1970's unsmoked pipes from and they are amazing. Not estate but I like the craftsmanship and they smoke beautifully. I have shied away from estate pipes but the more I learn and see the more I think I will give one a go soon.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    i really like that pipe on the right, did it set ya back much?

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 859
    i really like that pipe on the right, did it set ya back much?

    I think I got a really good deal on them. I bought them off a guy in one of the Cigar related Facebook groups I am a member of. I was able to get the pair shipped for $66. If you are on Facebook I can invite you to the group or just tell you the guys screen name if you are interested. He has a lot of pipes he is selling.

    The two I got looked like they were newly restored because they didn't even have any tooth marks on them. Maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I haven't been able to find a way to hold a pipe without using my teeth.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    for sure man! that would be sweet! hit me up on facebook, im under A.j. Soliz.

    Also I can not hold it without my teeth either... i end up getting sore jaw after 45-50 minutes.

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 859
    for sure man! that would be sweet! hit me up on facebook, im under A.j. Soliz.

    Also I can not hold it without my teeth either... i end up getting sore jaw after 45-50 minutes.

    I tagged you in the post of the guy selling the pipes. He can also post pictures of you ask.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    Just got it! Thanks man! Sure beats china briar!

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    Just got it! Thanks man! Sure beats china briar!

    Are you talking about that stuff that is harder then briar that they are carving. I have heard a lot about it, the wood is very hard but most of what I am hearing is that it is not as good for smoking as traditional briar. Would be intersted in knowing what you think if you have been smoking one.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    yea, my first 2 pipes are "root wood" i been calling it. They need work to be ready to smoke. Mine had some kind of paint in the actual bowl... so i sanded them out with #320 and reamed all the stems and removed all the "filter" systems they had. It was real hard to break in... it took 4 tries of the 3-3rds method to carbonize.

    The other problem is the hole is usually located in a bad spot. kinda off to the side or too far up. Mine have been okay being a little crooked, but there not ideal. My daughter got them for me at a smoke shop for 5 bucks a pop.. was a bitchen gift to me since i had only been using cobs and wanted to try a "real" pipe... lol. One has finally broken in and is smoking really really nice and absorbing condensation real nice. its very statsfying. The other.... well, its getting there!

    I got a vintage Briar Craft pipe that was my wifes grandfathers pipe and cleaned it up, and took it for a nice run with some OGS. It smoked pretty damn well, but needs time... the cleaning really took alot out of it. So I figure it will quickly beat the china bowls but for the cost, it was the perfect newbie step stone and taught me how to properly season, pack, and understand what they need for design. If your willing to play with it.... there not a bad piece. Great for a work or truck pipe.

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