Props to 5 Vegas

Not a review of any kind. I am just going through the 5 Vegas that have been bombed and traded to me and really starting to dig the brand. Every one so far has been enjoyable and I haven't really gotten to the ones I was looking toward to the most. So far I have bought a few from the Daily Deal and Sprintsale and think these could easily be in my regular line up. Price point is good and so are the cigars I have had so far.
My 5 Vegas Humidor is plump with 5 Vegas Gold right now because of an outrageous bomb from Patrickbrick. But I did see it and I almost got it, thanks for asking.
I liked 5 Vegas from the very first one I smoked. The samplers are a good way to go if you have not tried them.
I smoked an 'A' yesterday that had about 3 months on it and I was surprised how much it had improved with a much fuller, not strong, flavor. In fact all of the 5 Vegas line seems to improve with some rest or aging.
I tend to go for a 5 Vegas gold with coffee and the most age I have put on them is about 3 weeks. The Gold just seems ready to go but after a recent BOMB by Patrickbrick I may actually get to let a couple sit for a lot longer.
IMHO The Relic and Animal I think should be dry boxed for awhile. Walt could possibly add some insight about these 2.
Can we make this a gang bang..?
If you would be so kind to inform me via PM details and how you wish to proceed. I am new to the gang tactics and I will be happy to follow your lead.
Glad to hear you liked it & I didn't lead you astray.....I love them with a glass of red wine. And the cask only gets better with ago IMO. If you can set a couple aside for a year or two you'll be in for a treat.