Home Cigar 101

I'm a newbie and I need some help

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
I'm a newbie to cigars however I do know a lil bit about what I'm doing with my humidor and herfador. Any info I can get is welcomed and as far as cigars, I'm not really sure what would be a really good brand. I am aware what is good for one is not always good for another but any suggestion's on brands would be welcomed to point me in the right direction.


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,562
    Two of my favorites at the moment are Curivari and Regius.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 808
    What do you like? From there it is easier to suggest "new" brands or other cigars within the same brand. One of my favorite manufactures is oliva, they have something for every taste and strength.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    I like some Rocky Patel cigars and Escobar Carrera is a brand I like
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    Padron 1926 maduro davidoff 2000 and padron 1964 maduro there you have it
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 184
    I dont like to spend much money on good cigars. I really like Perdomo 10th anniversary champagne and 5 Vegas gold both good light-mild cigars for everyday smokes
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,767
    Can't go wrong with Torano or CAO.
    But you're probably best to just try a wide assortment for a bit, to get an idea of your likes and dislikes.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Welcome. May want to start with some samplers, or build your own. Call CCOM they will set you up and they are great to talk to. If you like one then get a 5-pack or a box. 5-Vegas is a good line, the Classic was my first premi and still one of my favorites.

    Check out cigar of the month club too, you get different cigars each month to try and the discount on all purchases may help you starting out. Take your time and have fun with it, there are just too many cigars and not enough money.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    Welcome. There are so many cigars to try. Buy five or ten packs of cigars that you really know you like and try everything else you can get your hands on. This is not my idea but somebody else here made a suggestion on a very simple but clever way of keeping track of our personal favorites that doesn't involve too much record keeping. Two (or three) jars. In one jar place the cigar bands from your best liked cigars that you want remember to buy more of. In the second jar put the bands that are not so good that you want to remember not to buy any more of. (And this simple system could be expanded to three jars with a "great, pretty good, and not again" categorization system.)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,863
    I highly suggest getting a sampler from CCom. Great way to try a bunch of different things without committing to entire boxes. That being said, if you want more suggestions, I'd say try out anything by AJ Fernandez (Man O' War, Ave Maria, Diesel, and San Lotano lines), Don Pepin Garcia (DPG, Tatuaje, and My Father), and the Quesada family (Fonseca, Casa Magna, and Quesada lines).
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    Thank you everyone for your sudgestions I believe I will try a large assortment of cigars and get assorted samplers it will take a bit but I will figure it out thanks again for the assistance.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 585
    I will sound like everyone else here with try try again. But I like to pair with my drink... a maduro with whiskey (I drink Wild Turkey 101). Habano with whiskey, Conneticut with Coffee... unless I get a wild hair up my *** then its whatever I grab from the Humi and pair with a beer. Welcome to the forum and keep us up to date on what you like. These guys are awesome and have a HUGE knowledge base to say hey this is in the wheel house.

    If you can get to Wichita there is the cigar circus. $125 per ticket, but you leave with 30ish cigars and some swag. Coming up soon, when I will be outa town for family vacation.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    thank you I will take all of yawls advice when I go to Topeka and get a few cigars this weekend.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Hey Mike, stick around here. These guys are great. They will point you in the right direction. If you ever want a smoke buddy, call me, im usually home.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    Thank you boots I will do that.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Send me your address in a PM bro, I'll send you some suggestions.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,277
    Let us know what you end up with and what you liked / disliked.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Mike, first off...good smokin' with ya! Like I said, gimme a call, I'm out smoking most every night.

    Let us know here what you liked out of the ones I gave you.
    Outlaw 13
    5 Vegas - Cask Strength
    Graycliff - Platinum
    Graycliff - Original

    Here are some posts you should read up on

    Kitty Litter
    Things a newb should know
    Newbie Trading Thread

    Post up in the newbie trading thread, and get a "sponsor"
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    well first things first thank you again new boots for the cigars. I tried the punch last night and thought it was a lil bit on the full side for me anyways but I did like it.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    going to try a greycliff platinum
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 891
    Welcome! Great bunch of guys here and they won't steer you wrong! I dove right in, head-first if you will, when I started out. Knowing what I do now, I probably would've done things differently. I'd stick with single stick purchases until you find something you like. Samplers and cigar of the month clubs are great ways to try a variety of things. Also, don't write-off a cigar after only trying it once. I've been pleasantly surprised at times when I've revisited certain cigars that I disliked the first time around.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    When I first started, it really helped to keep a "Cigar Log". Write down the exact stick you had, size, everything. Then take notes on what you liked, what you didnt. Don't get discouraged if/when you can't pinpoint flavor notes in cigars. They can take a long time to be able to pick out. For starters be happy with "Did I like it" Yes/No. Start with if you like Mild/Med/Full or something in between. Then go from there.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    Thanks guys all the info really helps And new boots I had the 5 Vegas today and it was a bit strong for me but was good for a after dinner cigar
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Ok, sounds liike you might be a Medium/Mild guy. Keep an eye out for the lighter, camaroon wrapped cigars. There are some good sticks out there in that range.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    I was conning to that conclusion as well but I am not to sure what a Cameroon wrapped cigar is
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    It's the lighter wrappers. Generally, the darker the wrapper the fuller the cigars.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Thanks guys all the info really helps And new boots I had the 5 Vegas today and it was a bit strong for me but was good for a after dinner cigar

    Vegas Cask is a strong cigar and a good one for aging. If you liked it buy some and put them away for a year or so, think you will love them. Vegas Gold is very mild, good anytime and try a MOW Virtue, a little bolder.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 34
    Ok I will take that advice into consideration thank you
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    New Boots:
    It's the lighter wrappers. Generally, the darker the wrapper the fuller the cigars.
    I wish it was that easy. I really do. When it comes to judging a cigar by it's wrapper color,......It can get complicated. I found a nice little article on the sister site that gives a brief summary. I'm on my phone so if someone can help make a link to it that would be great. http://www.cigarsinternational.com/cigar-101/article/11/cigar-wrappers
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    Bob Luken:
    New Boots:
    It's the lighter wrappers. Generally, the darker the wrapper the fuller the cigars.
    I wish it was that easy. I really do. When it comes to judging a cigar by it's wrapper color,......It can get complicated. I found a nice little article on the sister site that gives a brief summary. I'm on my phone so if someone can help make a link to it that would be great. http://www.cigarsinternational.com/cigar-101/article/11/cigar-wrappers
    Oh believe me, I wish it was too. But I don't want to dive to deep into whats a conny, whats habano, whats maduro, high primmings, first primmings, so on and so forth.
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