Home Pipes




  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    There are tons of pipes out there that are .75 or bigger in your price range. Typically, Danish, Italian, German makers are more likely to make them than English and others although that is just a general rule. I know Peterson makes several lines that have pipes in this range and several American makers do too. When I think a large pipes names like JOHS, Nording (especially the free hand series) and Savineli (check out the Hercules line) all come to mind and all make lines that are well within your price range.
    Know any sites that list actual size? I have no B&Ms i can visit for a piece... im limited to internet sales. P&C doesnt give good actual size. Cup o joe doesnt either. Our own site doesnt list sizes of the bowl... I know there out there... but hard to choose without the info. I think the closest Pipe shop to me with a actual selection is like 4 hours away.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    There are tons of pipes out there that are .75 or bigger in your price range. Typically, Danish, Italian, German makers are more likely to make them than English and others although that is just a general rule. I know Peterson makes several lines that have pipes in this range and several American makers do too. When I think a large pipes names like JOHS, Nording (especially the free hand series) and Savineli (check out the Hercules line) all come to mind and all make lines that are well within your price range.
    Know any sites that list actual size? I have no B&Ms i can visit for a piece... im limited to internet sales. P&C doesnt give good actual size. Cup o joe doesnt either. Our own site doesnt list sizes of the bowl... I know there out there... but hard to choose without the info. I think the closest Pipe shop to me with a actual selection is like 4 hours away.
    Not sure if posting another site is okay so if it needs to be taken down no worries on my end. Size is very important to me. I will not buy from a site that does not provide sizes and in an FAQ explains how they do their measurements and a money back policy if I don't like it when I see it. That said I have used smokingpipes.com and they have all the elements I require. You can call P&C if you have a question about a pipe they are very helpful and I am sure that ccom would do the same.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    There are tons of pipes out there that are .75 or bigger in your price range. Typically, Danish, Italian, German makers are more likely to make them than English and others although that is just a general rule. I know Peterson makes several lines that have pipes in this range and several American makers do too. When I think a large pipes names like JOHS, Nording (especially the free hand series) and Savineli (check out the Hercules line) all come to mind and all make lines that are well within your price range.
    Know any sites that list actual size? I have no B&Ms i can visit for a piece... im limited to internet sales. P&C doesnt give good actual size. Cup o joe doesnt either. Our own site doesnt list sizes of the bowl... I know there out there... but hard to choose without the info. I think the closest Pipe shop to me with a actual selection is like 4 hours away.
    Not sure if posting another site is okay so if it needs to be taken down no worries on my end. Size is very important to me. I will not buy from a site that does not provide sizes and in an FAQ explains how they do their measurements and a money back policy if I don't like it when I see it. That said I have used smokingpipes.com and they have all the elements I require. You can call P&C if you have a question about a pipe they are very helpful and I am sure that ccom would do the same.
    YES YES YES! Sweet man! again, my Pipe Mentor saves the day!

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    I am glad I could help! Did you find one that you liked?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    I am glad I could help! Did you find one that you liked?
    there is a very resonable priced French Genod bent in a calabash style that looks oftly hot. And a cheap Dublin that fits my needs pretty closely. So I might take the plunge here soon...

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