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Drew Estate Pipes

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
Anyone seen these new pipes coming out soon? They are very nice looking and I want one but word I got was they are around $300. So I guess I will be missing out on these. Be a unique piece to add. Does anyone else here have a problem of every pipe they like seems to cost a fortune? I don't generally look at names but when I see a pipe that I think looks really nice it seems to always have a high price. Even on eBay. All the pipe I like always get bid on and go way high. Just wanted to give you DE fans and those who like interesting pipes a heads up on these. There are pics floating around.


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,497
    The main reason most of my pipes are Estate pipes. I got a lot of great pipes that are normally very expensive for sometimes half of what they normally run and sometimes even cheaper. The ones I got were all in such great condition that they even looked new. You can even get better deals if you're willing to do the cleaning and sterilizing yourself but I like being able to enjoy the pipe right when I get it haha.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    I've always wanted a Castello, but they are in the $500 range. Lol! The estates are even $200-$300. I have a few expensive pipes, but not quite that much...
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 751
    I have not seen their new pipes yet. I will have to check them out when I have time. I can say that I too like the look of the upper end pipes and I am guilty of having a couple. However, most of my "nice" briars are closer to the mid 200 range and you can find good smokers for much less. My yard pipes all smoke well and are all in the 50-75 range. After about the $100 range you are paying for the briar, older, tighter grain smokes better but how much better is a matter of opinion and for the name on the pipe itself. Once you have enough pipes for a rotation then it is a matter of how much you like the look vs. how much you are willing to pay.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Most of my stuff is $50-$100ea. Savinelli make a great pipe for the under $100 crowd. There are a few others I would say are a great value like Invicta briars and Kaywoodie (no stinger). 95% of what I look for in a new pipe is smokability. So if a pipe won't smoke great I won't buy it, no matter how pretty they are.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Mine smokes good, so far I am impressed, but you have to loose pack the tobacco filter chamber it has.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,451
    Kind of a necrothread, but oh well.
    Jake, the pipes you're referring to are Tsuge pipes. The Tsuge family has been hand crafting pipes and other unique items for well over 400 yrs. I recently had the privilege of meeting Sob Tsuge at the Kentucky Fire Cured Barn Smoker event last week. I'm sure our meeting would have been much longer if I was fluent in Japanese.
    Drew Estate has acquired sole distributorship of Tsuge pipes and prices range from $250 to $25,000. Conversely, I've seen Tsuge pipes online for as low as $180. Hope this helps.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,439
    Kind of a necrothread, but oh well.
    Jake, the pipes you're referring to are Tsuge pipes. The Tsuge family has been hand crafting pipes and other unique items for well over 400 yrs. I recently had the privilege of meeting Sob Tsuge at the Kentucky Fire Cured Barn Smoker event last week. I'm sure our meeting would have been much longer if I was fluent in Japanese.
    Drew Estate has acquired sole distributorship of Tsuge pipes and prices range from $250 to $25,000. Conversely, I've seen Tsuge pipes online for as low as $180. Hope this helps.
    They used to make some really cool smaller pipes for $50. I shoulda grabbrd one. But they recently revamoed the whole like. The high end ikebanas are supposed to be fantastic.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    They are sweet but way out of my price range. Maybe I will find an estate one someday.
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