I'm having a real problem reading the news.....

Muslim Murderers.
Fathers killing their children.
Murdering of cops.
Politics gone completely upside down.
Lying self serving politicians.
Criminal immigrants given more then our troops.
Miss-treatment of animals.
The loss of Angry Birds.
Boehner winning.
The only good news is Barbara Boxer retiring and Harry Reid cracking his head.
Muslim Murderers.
Fathers killing their children.
Murdering of cops.
Politics gone completely upside down.
Lying self serving politicians.
Criminal immigrants given more then our troops.
Miss-treatment of animals.
The loss of Angry Birds.
Boehner winning.
The only good news is Barbara Boxer retiring and Harry Reid cracking his head.
I would say GFY but the more I think about it, the more I realize you are just bored with nothing to do and I give you purpose.
Yea, I know. Its the meds...
It is just so hard remembering who is in charge around here and my meds are so relaxing I run amok.
She put a whole gun in her vagina!!! Fascinating. How much heroin do you have to be on to fit a gun in your vagina? Was it a snub nose .38 or a desert eagle? These are the important questions facing today's society.
I wonder if he would spontaneously burst into flames if he accidentally went to a feminist blog.