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Long ash issues

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,335
Any of you have this problem? When I get a particularly long ash on a cigar -- something over an inch -- when the ash falls off I almost always have to relight. Solutions?


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    I've noticed this, too. I just take care to take a couple of extra puffs right away to make sure the wrapper is glowing along with the rest. Other than that, I don't know what to say except have some matches or a lighter handy.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 395
    I've noticed this lately too, could outdoor temperature play into this? I've also noticed a lot of times it falls off on me, not sure what that is all about, poor construction I guess ;)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,371
    I've noticed this lately too, could outdoor temperature play into this? I've also noticed a lot of times it falls off on me, not sure what that is all about, poor construction I guess ;)
    I don't even need an ashtray. I prefer just to ash on myself.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Any of you have this problem? When I get a particularly long ash on a cigar -- something over an inch -- when the ash falls off I almost always have to relight. Solutions?
    ...... Don't let the ash get so long. :)
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    I've had this problem sometimes. My guess is it is caused by a variety of factors. The rate at which you are smoking, the oils and moisture in the leaf, and the ash is restricting the oxygen from getting to the cherry. (At least while you are not actively puffing on the cigar.) Except to smoke a little faster (I hate to advise anyone to smoke faster.) I'm not sure what to do to avoid relights. Maybe the solution is to realize which ones are more likely to go out on you. Then you can dry box them ahead of time. I dunno.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 395
    I've noticed this lately too, could outdoor temperature play into this? I've also noticed a lot of times it falls off on me, not sure what that is all about, poor construction I guess ;)
    I don't even need an ashtray. I prefer just to ash on myself.

    There are nights that if you looked at me, you might assume I am doing just that :-/
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    So far the only time I've had to relight is if I slow my pace, a variety of things could contribute to this effect though, just had to relight a man o war, but in its defense I was googling to find my sweet Buddha avatar lol
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