Drymistat Crystal Tube
I've seen these mentioned here before so I thought I'd give them a try. I have 2 40-50 count desktop humi's so I grabbed 2 of these tubes. The description suggests that one tube can handle a 50 count humi, but I've noticed a few conflicting reports here.
So, am I good with one tube per to stay in the 67-68% range? Any other tidbits I should know before I employ these tubes?
If I haven't mentioned it before, welcome to the forum. If you ever make it up to Sacramento, we should get together and have a stick. Other than that, check out the Cigar.com California Mega-Herf thread in the General Discussion section eh?
I didn't wanna start a new thread since this one is already open for discussion. Anyway, I too have a 25 to 50ct desktop humi. I calibrated my analog hygrometer with salt test to 75%. I put in one drymistat stick and saw that it only settled to 60%. So I figured I needed another stick and ordered one. In da meanwhile, I put distilled water in the humidifier in came with. (Did not have 50/50 solution). I was able to maintain 70% with the charged humidifier and one drymistat. I placed the new drymistat stick once I received it and was still able to maintain 70%. I figured I wouldn't have to recharge for another 2-3 months as advertised, but about a week later, I was back down to 60%. I rechecked my hygrometer calibration with the salt test and it read exactly 75%. Seems like these drymistats are garbage unless I'm doing something wrong. Even with two drymistat sticks, I'm unable to reach the 65-70% ideal range unless I charge my humidifier once a week.
Any ideas? Thanks.
I'm still interrested in trying beads as I think they'll be better at regulating the humidity through changes (opening/closing as well as changes in ambient humidity), but I just don't see the need right now. I don't listen to the timing guidelines on the Drymistats, I just listen to my hygrometer. If it dips a percent I'll check the tubes and if the water is a little low I refill them, even if the crystals are above the "fill" line. Pay close attention to how much air pockets there are between the crystals as well, as those will form prior to the crystals shrinking.
My humidor has three drawers on it, and a plexiglass top. When looking at the way the drawers fit closed I noticed I could see light coming through when I put a flashlight on top of the plexiglas in a dark room.
I sealed those gaps up by getting some self adhesive felt from the craft store, and adhering it to the bottoms of the drawer fronts. When the drawers are fully closed the felt closes the gaps, and pushes the drawers together better. I know it's not an airtight seal, but it's significantly better than it was and my humidity level is rock solid now.
When I went to the craft store I picked up 3 different types of felt and ended up using the thinnest one.