There are sveral factors that could affect your humidity level. First, I agree, if you have an analog hygrometer, get a digital hygrometer instead. They are a lot more accurate. Next, the humidor might not have been seasoned enough. Pull out the cigars and wipe the inside of he humidor with a damp paper towel, wetted with distilled water, and re-add a small clean bowl filled with distilled water. Let it stay inside for two to three days without opening the humidor. Keep the cigars in a ziplock bag while doing this. I also recommend humidity beads over he crystals and definitel more than foam.
It could also depend on the conditions inside your home. If you live where it is cold and have gas heat, the air inside could be extremely dry, which will leach moisture out of everything including a humidor. Next, if your cigars are somewhat dry, when you put them in the humidor they also could be leaching moisture out of the wood.
Winter time is difficult for many to keep humidity and sometimes temperature within a humidor stable. Consider it the the opposite of summer where there tends to be an abundance of moisture in the air (unless you live in a desert climate) and a humidor can have touble staying below 70% rh.