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  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    another note about the new Healthcare
    Marriage Penalty
  • nightmaremike31nightmaremike31 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720

    Mothers in British Columbia are having a baby boom in 2007

    at least 40 mothers or their babies who've been airlifted from British Columbia to the U.S. this year because Canadian hospitals didn't have room for the preemies in their neonatal units.

    Sarah Plank, a spokeswoman for the British Columbia Ministry of Health, said a spike in high risk and premature births coupled with the lack of trained nurses prompted the surge in mothers heading across the border for better care.

    "The number of transfers in previous years has been quite low," Plank told FOXNews.com. "Before this recent spike we went for more than a year with no transfers to the U.S., so this is something that is happening in other provinces as well."

    British Columbia has added more neonatal beds and increased funding for specialized nurse training, Plank said.

    "There is an identified need for some additional capacity just due to population growth and that sort of thing and that is actively being implemented," she said.

    If I read this article correctly, it shows that Canada had a "high risk and premature birth" boom that they established a way to have their neighboring counrty help handle the situation, and then took care of the problem.


    We pay each month for our healthcare, and premiums are based on income. Some people who make below a certain level pay nothing for their healthcare, but receive the SAME level of care and range of services as the person who pays the highest monthly premium. As I said, it is based on ability to pay.

    That is what I wish my parents could have...


    the American dream, working hard and honestly for barely above minimum (if there is one) wage, and because someone in the family, (daughter, son, wife, father, mother) get's sick or old and perscriptions and hospital visits are needed, will never be able to achieve it. These families who may only be just making it, have no extra money, or no savings from which to draw from, so loans, (if they can get one) or credit card debt results. Because there was no extra money to begin with, the result is payments being missed or late, and then bad credit, and the spiral begins.

    But this is EXACTLY what has been and still is happening to my family. My father has 6 herniated disks form a work related accident over 10 years ago, has gone through rehabilitaion centers in California, numerous surgeries and medications and the workmans comp. ran out a few years ago. So he has to suffer through the pain and drive a school bus just to try and make ends meat. My mother is a teachers aide and has a heart murmur and something is wrong with her back but my parents both work for the same school district that doesn't offer insurance. On top of everything else, my brother was born with medical disabilities that are very costly that will stay with him for the rest of his life.

    I do everything I can for my parents and brother, but it's really hard when I have myself and my 3 year old son to look after. I wish my parents could have the insurance similar to Canada's, at least they would be able to get some sort of medical treatment and not go in to debt even further than they already are.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Laker, here is the reporting that talks of families coming to America to have babies, it also talks about your countries inabilities to provide quality care in high risk situations, which also addresses the "Top Notch comment".

    News story here yes it's from fox, but yes cnn has talked about this as well.

    Like has already been brought up here, you have used a situation which came up one time was dealt with and is now taken care of. That is called co=operation between allies and neighbours. You know like when we allowed all those US bound planes to land in Cnada during the 9/11 situation. So bad example, or at least you are trying to milk more out of it then reasonable. But I did say there were issue with our system as well, remember?

    in regards to the family comment, I would never suggest you care less, that is ludicrous. What I was trying to gain by asking is your profile. If you would've replied with "I'm a 24 year old idealist with no real world experience going to college with no family or children that I am responsible for", than I would take your comments with far less personal conviction on your part as you have zero social or socio-economic responsibility.

    Everyone has a view, doesn't mean it has to be put into motion.

    In regards to the question as to whether I would be eligible. I don't make a large amount of money but I make more than the cutoff to qualify. The problem in America is that if one person makes my wages in Atlanta, they are very comfortable but in Oregon, where the cost of living is considerably higher, I live a very normal, non-excessive existance. That skews the financials as to who can qualify. Oregon has it's own socialized medicine and it is for the less financially fortunate, but again, I make more than what is allowed. It seems to me that people that make smart decisions on when to have children, how hard to work, and how much money to make get penalized by the people who have poor decision making skills, like dropping out of school and getting pregnant and not getting good jobs. That's a very basic statement but think about it. I pay so that my Wife's cousin can have $650 in food vouchers a month. She is married, neither of them work, and she has 2 kids. I spend that much on food for my family of 4 in 2 months. I pay $425 a month for good Health Insurance for my family every month. She pays none. So the question I pose is this: When is it okay for me to stop contributing and start becoming a burden. Well, it isn't. But I am punished for having drive and a will to succeed and pride in taking care of my family. When the people helping realize that no one is helping them, they will quit contributing and starting being a burden. This is what happens at the collapse of every nation that has done this.

    Yes, this is a problem with our healthcare system too. The provinces, States in your situation, have the cost of living, calculated and averaged across the nation and the rates are set in each State according to that. This however would not mean that you would qualify still, just saying how it is done here.

    I know that you think I am angry and bitter and you know what, I am. Not at you but at the system you seem to support wholeheartedly without consideration for me or the others in MY country that will be adversely affected by these changes. I just don't understand how someone who seems like a caring person, which you do, can want for all your friends on here to suffer for an agenda that has no affect on you whatsoever. Sure that statement is ethnocentric but last time I checked, you weren't paying for any of our taxes. I don't think you are a bad person, I don't hate you, and I enjoy the fact that you make people think, but when you think you have the right to comment on what my country does with my money, you have thought completely and utterly wrong.

    Obviously you never even read my last post because I had already stated much the same thing as you bring up here. It is not my country and the outcome will not affect me. However, if you and others make comment here and use Canada or our system as a whipping boy for some distorted views, I have every right to comment. But of course when you say it, it comes across with such anger. I will ask you this. Do you not think that people from around the world have the right to an opinion about what goes on in the US? Cause if not, then you are argueing from a very hypocritical position considering the US and it's dealings with the affairs of many other countries around the world. When done between allies, neighbours or even BOTL... maybe you should consider it as just a different view from a FREINDLY source, and it wouldn't seem so threatening to you.

    for the record, they aren't Obama's healthcare reforms, they are the Senate and House designed reforms that he is backing. I never blamed him for this, even though he is taking a lot of the credit. For the record, it's not "Fearmongering" when it's the truth
    Guess I just got that idea from the US News. They ALWAYS refer to it as Obama's Health Care Reform Package. Of course I do NOT watch Fox, usually NBC, ABC, CNN, CBS.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Sh!t I hate the formatting here, LOL. Anyway if you read thru the last post, it is not very clear but I have answered you Dennis. Sorry bout that, but my second try was even worse so I won't be doing it again. :)
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    another note about the new Healthcare
    Marriage Penalty
    See this is important information. Doesn't mean it should end a healthcare bill, but it is something that people should know so they can pressure the Congress or Senate members in order to make sure the bill is crafted properly.
    Information is important for people to make an informed decision. Even if it comes from me or someone who YOU feel is an outsider. Why is it you have mentioned our system here in Canada, but you invite me to hold my comments on YOUR issue? Sorry guy, but I have been around these forums longer then you and I don't feel like an outsider at all. So while you may not like my comments, the internet and this open forum gives me the same rights as you, and I will excercise them as I see fit.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Sh!t I hate the formatting here, LOL. Anyway if you read thru the last post, it is not very clear but I have answered you Dennis. Sorry bout that, but my second try was even worse so I won't be doing it again. :)
    No sweat, it was clear enough. The formatting here is junk. I know the "Foreigner" thing is a bit of a low blow but I take a lot of pride in how I've been blessed in this country and the painstaking actions it has taken to bring us the great lives that we get to enjoy here in the USA. This makes me very defensive when people try to dictate what my monies pay for. I am already not happy about what my money pays for and now I get to pay for more and all these things I pay for, I never benefit from. It's kinda like losing at gambling every day. Those lights don't keep themselves on in Vegas. Someone sees the benefit, it's just not me.
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