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Did I ruin my hygrometer?

gdillygdilly Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 17
I have a humidor that has the hygrometer fitted into a hole so it can be read from the outside. I noticed that the back of it was magnetic and stuck my puck to it. A day later I so I noticed that the reading on the hygrometer was way low vthe reason was that the puck was causing the lid to not shut properly. I immediately removed the puck but two weeks later my hygrometer seems to be stuck or never getting above 60. However my digitial that I keep inside as backup reads 71.

Did I ruin the hygrometer? Or is there somthing I'm just missing?


  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    You might have. But in fairness, an analog hygrometer is s h i t anyways.Your digital should be the only one that should concern you. The analog looks pretty, but is just for show.
  • bbc020bbc020 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,422
    I doubt you would have ruined it, but you may have altered it a bit. From my understanding, an analog hygrometer is much like a analog thermostat in that it is a coil that will expand or contract depending on the relative humidity. Merely jarring or applying some kind of force (maybe magnetic in this case) could alter the position of the coil and therefore causing the reading to be off. I'm not 100% sure if this is the case, but that is my line of thinking.

    You may be able to calibrate the analog hygrometer and it could read reasonably close.
  • Hawk55Hawk55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 846
    I admit the analog hygrometer that comes with the humidor make them look really cool. Now, however, functionality is another issue. I would follow the suggestion to try to re-calibrate it using the salt test...see if that works. But save yourself some time and get a digital one...most people here and other forums rely heavily upon the digital ones. They definitely seem to be more dependable.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    From my understanding, an analog hygrometer is much like a analog thermostat in that it is a coil that will expand or contract depending on the relative humidity.

    I seem to recall reading somewhere that the 'coil' you're referring to in an analog hygrometer is actually a hair - as in 'human hair'. Kuzi can probably straighten me out on that point.


  • gdillygdilly Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 17
    Thanks, for the input. I already have a digital and even have the calibration kit. I know digital is the way to go but I'm also a perfectionist and want the analog to be close to correct. I'll try turning the screw to see if I can get it correct again. If not, I'll just buy another to replace. I wish this wasn't so pricey as I like it... http://www.humidorvault.com/Analog-Style-Digital-Hygrometer-p/acc-1539.htm image
  • nightmaremike31nightmaremike31 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 720
    Thanks, for the input. I already have a digital and even have the calibration kit. I know digital is the way to go but I'm also a perfectionist and want the analog to be close to correct. I'll try turning the screw to see if I can get it correct again. If not, I'll just buy another to replace. I wish this wasn't so pricey as I like it... http://www.humidorvault.com/Analog-Style-Digital-Hygrometer-p/acc-1539.htm image

    Ummmm... That's really cool!! I wanna get one too!!
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Thanks, for the input. I already have a digital and even have the calibration kit. I know digital is the way to go but I'm also a perfectionist and want the analog to be close to correct. I'll try turning the screw to see if I can get it correct again

    Yeah, well, like we used to say in the Orient, "Rotsa Ruck" I think you'll find that trying to calibrate an analog hygro and making it STAY calibrated is going to be an exercise in futility. But, like I said, Rotsa Ruck and "Keep Smiring".


  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I have the same anal retentitive issue with my analog. I just turn the screw everytime to make it match what my digital is reading. But I NEVER look at it and assume it is correct.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    I have the same anal retentitive issue with my analog. I just turn the screw everytime to make it match what my digital is reading. But I NEVER look at it and assume it is correct.
    rebel. LMAO
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    I have the same anal retentitive issue with my analog. I just turn the screw everytime to make it match what my digital is reading. But I NEVER look at it and assume it is correct.
    rebel. LMAO
    LOL this coming from our resident Jr. American. ;)

    Hows the the loft treating you Lake?
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