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Wine/cooler/humidor ??'s

Volfan247Volfan247 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 15
I am looking to expand my collection and looking for the best way to do it $$$ vs. Quality if you get my drift. i want to use my current 120ct for my singles or something i am going to smoke soon. also i dont "PLAN" on ordering a lot of boxes. i mostly want to use my extra space for deals i find both here and other places that are too good to pass up because i dont have the extra room

Coolerdor - these seem to be the best economical and easy setup. so basically if i do one i am going to get some old boxes and also some cedar trays for my storage. i think i have read enough on how to set them up for now. so whats your thoughts here.

Wineador - everyone forum seems to go with the VINOtemp which seems rather high, i would rather just get a small cabinet than this. My question is why cant i get a cheaper model and set it up the same way. Why does the winecooler have to be plugged in. if it is new there shouldnot be a condensation problem. if my humidor can stay at a 65F why cant my wineador?

humidor - basically i know i can spend $100 - $300 to get a good or great one. i know i could order one from waxingmoon.

again i am looking for economical mainly to an extent. i have and will have to much invested in my sticks to go to cheap.

i am leaning toward coolerdor?



  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    Coolderdor is definitely the cheapest route, but the winedor will maintain temp as well as humidity (and offer a nice view without opening the door); humidor is classiest way to go. It's really just a question of budget

    You can go cheaper than vinotemp, like this: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001DEQJXE/ref=ord_cart_shr?_encoding=UTF8&m=AS6TVQZKR25F1&v=glance, but just gotta make sure its thermoelectric, and vinotemp is some good quality.
    Bottom line - if a budget is your concern, coolerdor is your best bet; you don't even need to line it with spanish cedar, just keep your cigars in the boxes they come in
  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311
    if you have an old cabinet of some sort (stero cabinet, china cabinet, pie safe...ect) you can convert it as I did. I had some pictures up a while ago and would be happy to help. Mine is around 6.5 cubic ft and I have over 500 in there right now with some room still. It only cost me 190 or 200 for the whole thing (got the cabinet for free)
  • madurofanmadurofan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,152
    If you don't need the temperature control, there is absolutely no reason to go with a wine fridge. A coolerdor is the best bet.
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    if you have an old cabinet of some sort (stero cabinet, china cabinet, pie safe...ect) you can convert it as I did. I had some pictures up a while ago and would be happy to help. Mine is around 6.5 cubic ft and I have over 500 in there right now with some room still. It only cost me 190 or 200 for the whole thing (got the cabinet for free)
    I must have missed this thread. Can you post some pics up of what you did?
  • TatuajeVITatuajeVI Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,378
    Wineador definitely has the advantage due to temp control. Summers get pretty nasty and it can be way over 70 in the house sometimes, even in a basement. So, if you have this issue, I would strongly encourage a wineador.
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    If you don't need the temperature control, there is absolutely no reason to go with a wine fridge. A coolerdor is the best bet.
    Think so? I don't have a basement, but in the summer my temp in my house gets about 80 plus degrees. Never had any issues, but still it makes me nervous.
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