Daily Deal Post time

Is there a particular time of day when the daily deal gets posted to the website? I generally log on around 8 or 9 am local time each day. Sometimes the daily deal is there and sometimes it isn't. Then, when I log in again later that day, lo and behold, there it is.
What am I missing, here?
What am I missing, here?
Something fishy in Denmark, eh?
Ding, ding ding...winner. It is always there but not always a pop-up. For instance, I surf on Safari on a Mac and my browser will only pop up the same daily deal once, so matter how many times I visit the site.
Since you are on the forum anyway, you can always go to the Daily Deal subforum and connect to the daily deal that way as well
Well, to begin with, I've stated my position on all the technical crap a guy's gotta know in order to do things on this forum so I won't repeat it except to say it isn't something that's required on a lot of other forums. End of that comment.
Next, I'm not talking about a pop-up or anything of that nature. I'm saying that when I log in to the forum there are a list of categories down the left side of the page. There's General Discussion, Cigar 101, Ratings & Reviews, etc. When you get to the last item, Non-Cigar related, that's the end of the first section. The next section, entitled Daily Cigar Deal.Com, is where the link to the Daily Deal is (or isn't) located. Sometimes that section is there and sometimes it isn't. I'm simply trying to get a logical answer as to why that is; all without a bunch of technical BS that a programmer might know but I sure as h--l don't. Get my point?
And as far as settings in IE to change something, that doesn't tell me why the DD is sometimes there and sometimes not. I've even seen it come and go more than once in a given day. Without any changes to IE. Or to my computer in any way.
I'm not trying to be argumentive, here, but it seems to me that a good webmaster could sure make things a lot easier for us non-programmer types.