train derailment

I am so guilty of this. we do have a tendency to go off topic a bunch on the cigar sections of the forum. I am going to try not to post off topic anymore unless it is inthe non cigar related section. with any luck we will have more in-depth debate/discussion about cigars where it should be.Capt:Guys, lets try to keep this thread on track. thanks.
....just my $0.02
I'm with Urby on this one.. conversations tend to evolve into random things.. if the OP wants to keep things on topic, a simple request like Capt's is all that's needed and we'll spread our short attention spans elsewhere.
Now that they have a boy and a girl, does this mean they're Finn-ished?
As they say in the Carolinas, I wonder if dey Finn to have a nuther
It's all Finn and games until somebody gets hurt
Will Finn be a lap lander?
Would have been neat if his middle name was Ali
I just hope they don't take him to the beach. Down here, if you see a Finn in the ocean, it's everybody out of the water.
Geez, he's not even out of the hospital yet
(actual congratulatory post hidden in this mess)
I hope the photos are done with a Matt Finnish (explained - his father's name is Matt)
Enough with the puns. You're driving me to drink. I'll have another Finn and Tonic
After all, you Finn some you lose some
When he gets into his older sister's Barbie collection, he'll be a Doll Finn
If he takes up soccer, they need to make sure they get him a good pair of Finn guards
If he rests on the couch, he prefers to sit on a Finn cushion
...... need I say more?
Get it yet?
Positive Thought for the Week?
amazing. i said i would "TRY" to stay on topic. though some tangents are expected in life, a little focus will keep it all together. I have gotten to know many of you very well through the tangents, and this in my opinion is a good thing. But why did we all originally log in to the forum?
i dont want to lose what made the forum great: pages and pages or great cigar information with entertainment. I dont want this place to be lifeless, i hope that was not the impression i gave. I just want the message that got this place going to not be lost when new people join in.
Threads should have topics.
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