New To forum
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 28
Howdy guys and gals. I thought I'd introduce myself before jumping into any existing discussions. I've been buying from for a few years and have lurked here on the forums for a few months. I've enjoyed the watching the discussions here and like how you guys keep it civil. That is rarity these days on Internet forums.. I'm not new to cigars or tobacco. I've smoked pipes and cigars for a number of years.
Enough about me... on with the discussions..
seriously though, welcome
Oh, and welcome.
Welcome whoflungdo. I thought I heard something about Nebraska joining the Big 10...anyone else hear that?
.....I wish. A guy can dream, can't he?
Welcome whoflungdo sounds like you have been listening to all the hype over college football. It will be interesting to see what really happens and it can change the face of football and bowl games, etc. It will def. make it harder to pick the winners.