For whatever reason, it simply doesn't work for me. I take a puff, close my mouth, blow out through my nose, and nothing but air goes out. The smoke just remains in my mouth until I blow it out through my mouth.
For me, it's always been about the nose, but I do the"French inhale" method, draw smoke into the mouth, closing the throat in the back by tongue,let it drift/ push it out by closing the mouth and inhale through the nose gently, just enough to fill the nasal cavities without getting it into the lungs. Tried the blowing from mouth out through nose last night with pretty much the same results as Dennis King, lots of burning. Ya'll might try this, it's the only way I pick up the bread, nuts, coffee etc that are touted in the write-ups.
I find it very surprising that no one has suggested to the newbie "nose-exhalers" to try the closed-mouth, breath out tactic WITHOUT smoke in their mouth first yet... It would save them a lot of painful trial and error at the very least.
To a large extent you're right, here's the one thing I can think of to explain it. You can't see air, thus it's hard to judge whether you're doing it right or just exhaling air through the nose.
I have been slowly working on pushing some smoke out the nose. For a total noob I found the take a short puff and close the yap and exhale, it is about the right amount getting pushed out my nose. If I get to much, I open said yap and blow out the rest. I Have not found a huge advantage on picking out flavor yet, but Im working on it.
well, tried the blowing out through the nose thing again, still burns. I still get the best result pushing the smoke out the mouth and sniffing (lightly, carefully) in through the nose, and I know you're on the right track, after all, we learned in Anatomy & Physiology that something like 80% of what we experience as taste, is really about the smell. Still, just like the question "what's the best cigar", the best method for smoking will ultimately be an individual choice.
I guess I'm just never going to get this. All my attempts at having the smoke come OUT of my nose are less than satisfactory, guess I'll stick to using my nose to lift the flavors out of the smoke I exhale, which has worked very well for me. But, then, when I wake up and smell the coffee, I don't get a mouthful and blow it out my nose, I sniff it from the cup. Matter of personal taste, I suppose.
I found it worked pretty easy for me just taking a mouth full of smoke, blowing out my mouth and before it's all gone shut my mouth and start blowing out the nose.
I have had trouble doing this also....sometimes I can do it fine, sometimes not. I have no explanation why...I was waiting on something on this in an article in the magazine as I dont get here as much as I would like....GOOD POST ! and thanks for the responses !