The parting
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 150
The recent thread on one's post smoke routine got me thinking. What about the last draw on a the stubby remains of a great cigar? Have you ever tried to hang on with your fingertips to get those last few millimeters? Do you go through momentary withdrawl? Or do you just light up another one?
thats how you FINNISH a cigar.
I've also been known to put a nub in the end of a shotgun barrel and draw from the other end (not really, but I feel manly now)
Off topic....I've been having really bad heartburn lately, anybody have an idea why?
Salad covered with grilled Buffalo strips ???
With work and burning the candle on both ends I have not had time to be on here much or smoke much either. Looking forward to calmer times this summer and some R&R. Will peek in as I have time, was very very glad to see ya back 'bino !!!
Trying trying times my friend. My wifes dad is at home being tended by my wife and her mom and hospice critical care nurses ( they say anyday now he will pass ) He's in excruciating pain , gets morphine every 1 to 2 hours and is totally out of it. has not eaten anything in 7 days as of today. only liquids are the meds. He is one tuff son of a gun !!!! My wife has not left his bedside for 10 days now and she and her mom have both strained back muscles lifting him !!! Family comes in around the clock every day but they have to work and cant stay more than 6-8 hours at a time. He has one brother who IS staying around the clock to help and has been a godsend.
My dads needs heart valve replacement and by pass surgery which is very dangerous at his age (77) but we are thinking this will probably be done in 6-8 weeks. Prostate cancer has returned but doc's say heart much bigger concern.
With work and burning the candle on both ends I have not had time to be on here much or smoke much either. Looking forward to calmer times this summer and some R&R. Will peek in as I have time, was very very glad to see ya back 'bino !!!
The main thing to keep in mind -- and the hardest thing to keep in mind -- is to make sure you take care of yourself. Get your rest. Eat. Get outside and go for a walk every day; even if it's a necessarily short one, you won't believe how big a difference it makes in how you feel. That goes for everybody.
When you get to that R&R, you'll have well earned it. Hang in there.
Thanks bro ...I did take a walk today just to try and clear my mind ...felt much better .