Almost outdoor time!!!
These Filthy Hands
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 455
I've been looking forward to this all winter. My patio, dog, good beverage, maybe a friend of two over and a good smoke. Has anyone else envisioned their first outdoor smoke?
I too really can't wait for actual summer when I can go out on the patio and enjoy a beverage and cigar at my liesure.
go go power rangers!
Well, ya can't really call it cold. When I was working up on the North Slope in 1969 I decided that the ideal year-round temperature for me would be 55 degrees. Perfect temperature for Levis and a Pendleton shirt without requiring long-johns. On the downside - mosquitoes hatch at around 52 degrees. They can be a bit annoying but up on the Slope they're downright vicious. Takes all the enjoyment out of a stogie.
Not too sure what the first one will be though. Maybe a good conni to help bring in the lighter months of spring.