While the internet is great for learning about cigars, how to smoke 'em, how to find new ones, etc - one thing it's not good at is teaching you to talk like you're not a noobie. In short, it fails at teaching a person how to pronounce their favorite brands. Case in point - I walk into my B&M and ask for an Oliva, Series O - store owner has no idea what I'm talking about. It took a few minutes until he figured it out - turns out I had been pronouncing it A-LI-VA, when it's actually pronounced OH-LEE-VA.
So anyone else have any good stories, or just feel like sharing the proper pronunciation of some names that are typically mispronounced?
So anyone else have any good stories, or just feel like sharing the proper pronunciation of some names that are typically mispronounced?
You're IS tat-tu-AH-hey - - Spanish for 'tatoo'. And, of all the ways I've heard Partagas pronounced, I think PAR-ta-gus is the right one. But, hey, I've been wrong before....
And 5 Vegas IS Cinco Vegas. I've been corrected enough times on that one that I now accept 'Cinco' as being correct. And CAO? It's the guy's initials - C. A. Ozgener but I haven't yet learned how to pronounce his last name.
Fuente - Fuen-Teh
CAO - See Aay Oh
Tatuaje - Tattoo Ahh Hey
5 Vegas - Sinko Vegas
La Vieja Habana - La Vee Aay Ha Habana
Camacho - Kah Ma Cho
Cusano - Ku San Oh
Avo - Ah Vo
Carlos Torano - Carlos Tor Ahn Yo
La Aurora 100 Anos - La Ah-Roar Ah See-En An Yos
Padilla Miami - Pad dee ya Miami
Padron - Pah Drone
Partagas - Par Tah Gus
Romeo y Julieta - Rome-ay-o ee Hoo-lee-eh-tah
Anejo - Ahn-yay-ho
Joya de Nicaragua - Hoy-ah-day-Nicaragua
Ramon Allones - Ramone-ah-yone-ez
Cabaiguan - kah-bei-gWAHN
por larranaga - por la ron ya ga
Palio - Pal-ee-oh
Pepin - Pe-peen
Xicar - Zy-car
Illusione - Eh Loo-Zee-Own-EE
Davidoff - Dah Vid Off
Also, go Here for audio recordings of several brands.
So, fer instance, I'll go as far as pronouncing Padron as "Peh-DROHN," but rarely as far as pronouncing Romeo y Julieta correctly, or saying "cinco" for 5 Vegas. And no trilling of r's. I draw the line at r-trilling. It works for some people; me, I just sound like a fathead.
And now, we come to the Old Joke portion of our post:
Mexia -- Meh-HAY-uh
Dairy Queen -- DEH-ree Kween
On thing I used to get wrong was Robusto. I thought the middle syllable sounded like a school bus until homer simpson pronounced it as sounding like a 'moose'.
Anyway, that's how I feel about pronouncing some of these names/terms. I try to stay somewhat true to the origins of the words without overdoing it by trying to be some sort of psuedo-latin speaker.
After all, I speak freakin' AMERICAN here. Mexico has an "X" in it. Not a "HE" (i.e. Me-HE-co).
Did you by chance look at the humidors that were auctioned off at the events? WOW, now those are a work of art, literally!
Well thats better then what I was saying......Pair-a-digem...... Thanks Joe