Well Kuz, I think we can rest assured of two things. First, this will never pass and just become an ongoing internet joke. Second, legislators have too much free time on their hands not spent on what they were elected to do. Now if you'll pardon me I'm going to have a little popcorn and french fries-----no salt of course....LOL.......unbelievable.
Dude as a NY resident ........... this state just wants to do the most effed up shite ever ..... in NY the tax per cigar is already 37% and they want to raise is 11% up to 48% ..... they want to implement a tax on sugary drink ( pop diet pop, bottled tea, juice ) and they also want to place a tax on bottled water ..... so basically the only drink would be spring water that you already have hooked up via a tap in your home as tap is already taxxed ...... it never ends in NY they always want to tax the in thing or anything that sells ..... they also tax anyone with a cellular device the highest in the us ........... This state is a joke and our governor ...... i can only say 1 thing about George ......... " He Lacks Vision " ......... i could care less that Spitzer spent 5 grand a night to have freaky sex with a smoking hot chick because you know his wife miss straight lace aint gonna do it ... same goes for Tiger ....... How many men across the country cheat and its not a big deal because they arent in the public eye or arent insanely rich ......... we did nothing about our presidents who had the same indiscretions on numerous occasions ..... at least Spitzer was doing his job and attempting to change this state ..... now were doomed since we are gonna have another Cuomo as governor ..... that kids father was an idiot and the nut does not fall far from tree