That's funny. As I was typing this she actually went to sleep on the couch! Perhaps the only way I can actually communicate with her is by typing things into the message board!!! ;-)
Gas drops. They are over the counter and they cannot OD at all. You can give them to the baby upto 12 times a day. Usually babies cry because of gas. Also, the football hold works well. The more the baby is on their tummy, the easier it is to pass gas. If she just wants to be held, you're SOL. The only thing you can do is to put her in her crib and turn the monitor off until she gets used to it.
Gas drops. They are over the counter and they cannot OD at all. You can give them to the baby upto 12 times a day. Usually babies cry because of gas. Also, the football hold works well. The more the baby is on their tummy, the easier it is to pass gas. If she just wants to be held, you're SOL. The only thing you can do is to put her in her crib and turn the monitor off until she gets used to it.
Oh yea! I forgot about that. Good one, undulac. We used Mylicon. Worked about 75% of the time.
Oh Marty, reading this makes me SO happy all this is 26 years in the past, but, she may need to get checked out by the Doc. Just to rule out anything obvious. I'll be a Grandpa in June so I better get honed up on my advice stuff.
Stay away from Ferber - brought my kids to him, in Waltham, hes a Jerk!....Anyway I agree with most of what was said here. Most importantly whatever you do, do not let here sleep on you. It will never stop.