Tonight i had Perdomo Cuban Alabao. Not sure if i enjoyed it... it wasnt bad. lol I have a second one in my humi that ill try out in a few weeks or so and see how i feel about it then. There was one point where abot 2/3 through i got a major hit of almond. It was quite enjoyable!
my last tat black (ive had it for about 7 months, dunno how long the botl i got it from had it) and an A Turrent triple play
the tat was amazing, but im hating this triple play, im not getting any smoke out of it, then i look and its got some super tunneling going on.... in the second pic my thumb is at about where the tunneling is at, and im not even 1/4 of an inch into the robusto...
After a long day at work, some UFC and watching my Kings lose I gave my brother one of my few CC for his birthday and I'm enjoying a Viaje Friends and Family from the original Churchills so far real smooth and great flavors, wish I'm paying more attention but enjoying the company right now
Since ill be up most of the night tending to my pork butt i decided to light up a aj fernandez fresh rolled corona with about 14 months on it, its been a few months since ive had one of these while not being sick, and i can see why i used to love em but im thinking they're not for me anymore.
thanks Shizza not a bad everyday gar fir a good price
Idk though. Wasn't taking notes, just enjoying the smoke .... (and I paired it with a couple old fashioneds too LOL.)
I'd say chocolate and a rich nuttiness for sure....idk but it was very very good. Would buy a box, no questions about that.