I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
If you ever stumble across another bottle would you be willing to let me know please? Haven't found it locally and I am not willing to pay double price to get it online. Would really appreciate it if you could let me know if you come across it again, thanks!
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
If you ever stumble across another bottle would you be willing to let me know please? Haven't found it locally and I am not willing to pay double price to get it online. Would really appreciate it if you could let me know if you come across it again, thanks!
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
Brett Please DO NOT post a pic of your chubby on the what you got today thread,, Not only will it freak FireRob out but it might also cause him to open up a chubby thread, and who knows whatl happen then!!!! Carry On.
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
Brett Please DO NOT post a pic of your chubby on the what you got today thread,, Not only will it freak FireRob out but it might also cause him to open up a chubby thread, and who knows whatl happen then!!!! Carry On.
Hahahaha oh man there are so many things I could say to this, but I will simply leave it as noted lol.
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
Brett Please DO NOT post a pic of your chubby on the what you got today thread,, Not only will it freak FireRob out but it might also cause him to open up a chubby thread, and who knows whatl happen then!!!! Carry On.
Hahahaha oh man there are so many things I could say to this, but I will simply leave it as noted lol.
I heart you Stubble! Two chubby inducing ATF pics today between you and Drew Dub! Anything you can say about the Noah's Mill? I've heard its outstanding for the price assuming you can find it but nothing specific. All I know is I can't locate it in CO lol.
This Noah's Mill is really amazing. It is like warm melted butterscotch with a touch of wood. I highly recommend it!!
If you ever stumble across another bottle would you be willing to let me know please? Haven't found it locally and I am not willing to pay double price to get it online. Would really appreciate it if you could let me know if you come across it again, thanks!
Pinar Del Rio Exclusivo;
the aroma of this stick was from the ring minty and fresh,
burned this with a nice shot of XO, thank you Bob Luken I believe you sent me this
i will have to review one soon.
Sorry. Didn't want Rain to yell at me