Enjoying this beautiful evening before the nastiness hits this weekend, sippin some beers, enjoying a San Lotano Connecticut (thanks Tony). Life is good.
Thanks. Looks like all my friends chipped in and got me a hurricane for my birthday. I guess they didn't understand, when asked what I wanted I said a sloppy wet blowjob would be nice.
CAO L Anniversary cameroon from a BORK here. Enjoying it thoroughly. Nice and mild and relaxing. Tomorrow is my black belt test and it will be a long hard day. Need to relax a bit.
Had the last of my RP 1999s today. I think it was my last one at least. I had a bunch of these from about three years ago. Good with some age on it, but not irreplaceable.
Thanks. Looks like all my friends chipped in and got me a hurricane for my birthday. I guess they didn't understand, when asked what I wanted I said a sloppy wet blowjob would be nice.
My box order of Diesel Unlimited came today and is resting. I lit up a Diesel Unholy Cocktail that was part of the upgrade. The draw was very tight and I thought that maybe I did not cut it back enough. I re-cut the stick and the results were the same with very little smoke. After about half I tossed it. I liked the taste and hope it was a bad stick. Anyone else experience this problem?
My box order of Diesel Unlimited came today and is resting. I lit up a Diesel Unholy Cocktail that was part of the upgrade. The draw was very tight and I thought that maybe I did not cut it back enough. I re-cut the stick and the results were the same with very little smoke. After about half I tossed it. I liked the taste and hope it was a bad stick. Anyone else experience this problem?
never had a problem with a diesel UC. It was a bad stick. My favorite thing about the UC is usually how great the draw and burn are. Obviously the excellent flavor is good to.
My box order of Diesel Unlimited came today and is resting. I lit up a Diesel Unholy Cocktail that was part of the upgrade. The draw was very tight and I thought that maybe I did not cut it back enough. I re-cut the stick and the results were the same with very little smoke. After about half I tossed it. I liked the taste and hope it was a bad stick. Anyone else experience this problem?
Not with the UC. I also think it was a fluke. Don't forget to save a couple of these to get some age under their belt. The Unholy Cocktail is an excellent example of a cigar that ages very well and becomes sublimely smooth.
I just finished up a Davidoff 6000. Good cigar, very delicate aroma though. I had to move to a little alcove outside I sometimes sit in when it's windy, so that I could catch all of what was going on. At least so that my ham-fisted perception could detect. It got a lot better as is went on too. Not sure I would pay for these again, unless some significant discount was involved. Even at box pricing there's quite a few other cigars I enjoy more. My interest is peaked enough though that I would like to try a few others in the Thousand series. The 2k, and 5k I think might do the blend more justice.