new to the forum with only a couple posts. got a gurkha/rocky patel sampler should be here tomorrow from the cigar spring sale.
but im glad to add to this post and say for tonight i have in my hand a CAO Gold.
Having a Romeo y Julieta 1875, compliments of 90+Irishman, aka Brett, aka Bombdiculous.
Preciate the compliments and kind words my honored brother! Hope you are doing well, that 1875 has got some age on it and I kept it well conditioned so it should be a fairly enjoyable and tasty treat my friend Hope you and the fiance'/kiddo are all doing spectacular, all of you along with the brothers are in my thoughts and prayers! BTW... where the HECK do I get more Kristoffs????? No one I know around here has them, sells them, or has access and they are fast becoming my very fav maduros... you rat you totally got me, hook line and sinker!!! Thanks though Mike for introducing me to such a fantastic line of sticks... absolutely falling in love with these things and only have that (lonsdale or slim churchill??) left from Kris. Great sticks! -- Brett
Fired up a Graycliff Limitada 2010 (only my 2nd stick in 8 days!)...I tossed it after the first third! I have yet to have a Graycliff that wow'd me. an I missing something?
No, I think they are over priced for the most part. I did like the G2 Turbo and one of the limitadas. I thought the expresso and double expresso were ok, the 1666 was ok, the professional was ok and the regular G2 was ok. I haven't had any others.
I've only had the one Limitada, a few of the Professional Blue Labels, and a G2 Turbo. IMO, the professional was the worst of the bunch. The G2 Turbo was not bad, and would've probably been better if I'd have let it rest a bit longer. I do want to revisit the Turbo and try the regular G2 eventually.
I have some aged g2 regular ones. I didnt like them at all when I first had them so I took all the cello off and they have been laying against cedar for almost 3 yrs. Same thing with some of the CI Graycliff blends.
Fired up a Graycliff Limitada 2010 (only my 2nd stick in 8 days!)...I tossed it after the first third! I have yet to have a Graycliff that wow'd me. an I missing something?
No, I think they are over priced for the most part. I did like the G2 Turbo and one of the limitadas. I thought the expresso and double expresso were ok, the 1666 was ok, the professional was ok and the regular G2 was ok. I haven't had any others.
I've only had the one Limitada, a few of the Professional Blue Labels, and a G2 Turbo. IMO, the professional was the worst of the bunch. The G2 Turbo was not bad, and would've probably been better if I'd have let it rest a bit longer. I do want to revisit the Turbo and try the regular G2 eventually.
I like the Crystal limitadas, but I don't really care for the rest of the line that I've tried so far...
Was it the Connecticut or Maduro? IMO the Maduro was the best by far!
It was a maduro robusto.. It devloped more into my liking during the last third, but didnt really do it for me, I will revisit after some age, but not on my buy list at this point...
Just finished smoking a 5 vegas gold. I felt like a damn fog machine i was blowing so much smoke. I noticed it burned faster than usual and had a "squishy" feeling to it... was this just not rolled tight enough? and was that why I was pulling so much smoke? The draw was very easy... am I on the right track? Still a good smoke though. =0)
can you guys close this out please...
punched it with my new .45 bullet punch from Flash318... that thing works great! Thanks brother!
it's easier to say sorry than ask permission... that's what I hear. lol