There's a lot here, so beware, but it sure does bring some perspective on a few things in our current way of life....
Af-Pak War Racket: The Obama Illusion Comes Crashing Down -
The Business Roundtable -
Richest 1% Have Captured America's Wealth -
Obama Increases War -
Economic Elite VS Middle Class
secret intelligence - link
Seriously feebs, pick a NYT or WSJ - anything they print they need to actually stand behind, so they need sources before spewing out anything. I know that both the Left and the Right have been going really populist in the past few months, but you gotta take a step outside this stuff.
Consider that the richest 10% pay about 90% of the taxes in the US; consider that most of this stuff is written by Europe, a continent which is literally dying (economic growth of 2%, a graying population, and not enough babies being born to replace the current generation) - a good bit of this stuff is written in jealousy of the US; consider that the Left has been talking about the "military-industrial complex" since the 60's - none of these arguments are new; they were all created in the 60's, and they just haven't died out among the hard-core Left.
It's cool if you're a liberal, but damn man, chill out with this hard-core stuff - take a peek at a few newspapers now and again to ground yourself. The authors who write this stuff do so with the intention of firing up the true believers - it's literally propaganda meant to "rally the troops to the cause". It's fine to peruse this stuff, but eventually you gotta put it down, take a breather, and realize the world ain't coming to an end. Pick up a Wall Street Journal or a New York Times and just chill out on a Saturday or Sunday and get away from the conspiracy junk.
- The article about the Richest 1% is old, really old - I'm talking 60's student protests old; it's a definite Left bias
- The "military-industrial complex" is a term coined in the 60's and picked up by the anti-war Left
- The anti-war article about Obama is also from the Left. Obama was elected based on perceptions - the Right always hated him, the moderates took him at his word as a post-partisan candidate, and the Left took him as a saviour who would institute a century of progressive ideas (SCHIP, healthcare, stimulus). He's done well and kept a lot of constituents happy, but recently he's been making his progressive base extremely angry by surging troops in Afghanistan, not demanding a public option in the health care, not passing the Employee Free Choice act, not ramping up subsidies for social groups, not defending ACORN, etc. They've been lashing out at Democrats (Stupak in particular) and Obama for what they perceive as a betrayal of sorts.
Bottom line is, this stuff is all Left-wing stuff. Seriously man, don't believe all this junk - these "journalists" are propagana-mongers with an agenda to get their readers angry and fired up. Chill out with a MOW and read a mainstream paper - they don't report everything, and they have biases, but at least they're sourced, and not written by someone in their basement with pictures of Roswell on the walls
Feebs - just found this - your sources, like Alternet are Progressive/highly liberal -
*stocks up on ammunition to suppress the Butterfly revolution*
Now I found a use for those dumb .22 shot cartrages
I meant those .22 shotgun hybrid shells. Fits in a .22 but shots lots of very tiny bb's