Humidification Device Placement

Hey folks, where do you have your humidifier placed in relation to your hygrometer?
Right next to it, or as far from it as possible?
The reason I ask is I cannot get a decent reading if I place it far away. I have 4 oz of Heartfelt Beads in a tube in a 150 ct desktop, as well as the rectangular green sponge that came with it (in the lid), and even a few pillows. But my humididty will not read 65% (the beads' rating) unless I place the tube up front, near the hygrometer. My original thought was you would want the beads as far from the hygrometer, to show worst case scenario.
Any thoughts?
Right next to it, or as far from it as possible?
The reason I ask is I cannot get a decent reading if I place it far away. I have 4 oz of Heartfelt Beads in a tube in a 150 ct desktop, as well as the rectangular green sponge that came with it (in the lid), and even a few pillows. But my humididty will not read 65% (the beads' rating) unless I place the tube up front, near the hygrometer. My original thought was you would want the beads as far from the hygrometer, to show worst case scenario.
Any thoughts?

I live in So. Fla. so the humidity here is higher than most places. With that being said, I also have Heartfelt 65% beads in all of my humidors, placed on the bottom, with nothing near my hygrometers. The average reading is 69%. I do expect the readings to still be high as I started using the 65% beads about 1-1/2 months ago. Prior to that I was using 70% beads (reading 74%) from another vendor.
However, If i had a larger humidor that was tall i would have beads on the top and on the bottem with a hygromiter on the top and somewhere in the middle as well. I mean , if we are talkin a 5+ foot humi there BETTER be more than one hygromiter in there.
I would also only add water to the TOP set of beads because the moisture will sink down to the lower beads naturaly. a hygromiter at teh bottem just seems kinda pointless to me.
all said and done i would put my hygromiter as far away from the humidity as i could.
When I first picked the beads, my thoughts were since I live in an arid climate (northern rockies), I would use the 70% beads. But based on comments on the CA forums, folks there reported that their 65% beads clocked in at 67%...and so I went that way, to my detriment it seems. I assumed that since the beads are manufactured to release their moisture to the rated RH, it did not matter what my climate was; live and learn.
My humidor is fully stocked, very full, so that is not an issue. But I am curious about my hygrometer. Is there a digital out there that folks might point to that would have a unit inside the humidor to measure, but can send out to a remote display? And preferably the inside unit cigar shaped? It really is stocked, and so there is not an excess of space inside the damn thing :P
Lastly, have folks ever seen these, and what are your thoughts?
Thanks folks
Thanks Kuzi,