I can get all of them except the Ghengis Khan and Triad. Anyone's B&M have those 2? Please check for me. I just want 1 or 2 of each. We can trade or I can send you cash.
I just started smoking gurkhas and seem to like pretty much almost all....im interested in some trades..though i dont have too much..i just started out..!
The khans are pretty good smokes, though I do not have any anymore. I wish I knew you wanted a status, I just smoked my last one and you probably would have enjoyed it more as it was my second one. Really just a very mild smoke. The triad is a good smoke but not worth 50 to 100 bucks in my book. I did like the platinum a bit more but they are way overpriced. I can shoot you a pm on where you can get them. In fact, check your box.
I just ordered a whole box of Gurkha Empire Series 1, so im looking to either sale 10 of them for 25 bucks but i would much rather do some trades...let me know guys!