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AdcuriumAdcurium Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 170
You would be hard-pressed to find any place in Paris that sells take-out coffee (although, unfortunately, on our last trip in 2008 we did see a newly opened Starbucks). As an American (and a New Englander) I am always in a rush, even when I should be enjoying my time, certain company, and my life. Once, I tried to convince a Parisian waiter to give me a to-go cup. He refused and explained that in Paris, they don't sell coffee. They sell an experience. It isn't about that cup of coffee, but the experience of sitting in a cafe, taking a few deep breaths whether it be for 5 minutes or 5 hours, and calming your soul. This diatribe relates to cigars. I swear. And here's how: For me, smoking a cigar isn't about the smoke. It is about the experience. A cigar is how I get some 'me' time. I like to drop by my B&M after court and before going back to the office. For about an hour, everyone at the office is likely to think I'm still 'working'. I don't answer my phone. I light up a cigar b/c for however long that cigar is burning, I'm going to enjoy my life and the company of some men who are looking for the same solace. My B&M doesn't sell me a cigar. It isn't about the money I spent. It sells me an experience. Which is worth, at least, the price of a cigar. Sometimes on a Friday after everyone leaves the office I'll sit on a bench in our parking lot and end the week with a robusto-sized meditation session before a miserable commute home. Oh, and I'm guilty of taking a weekend trip to the 'hardware store' (that's what I tell my wife, at least). I instead grab a cup of coffee and sit by the water for a smoke. (And when I come back empty handed, I tell her that they didn't have what I was looking for). I'm sorry to be soo winded. But, having said all that, does anyone else want to share their cigar experiences? I don't care what brand is involved. This thread isn't about the cigar.


  • txjayhawktxjayhawk Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 311
    Some of my best "experiences" are when me, my girlfriend, college roommates, and bar buddies would be in the back yard at my old house playing washers or bags, watching the dogs run, listing to great music, drinking a bit, and grilling all day long with a cigar in hand. Then later in the evening, lighting up the fire pit and smoke until the ambers stop glowing. I also really love the experience of just sitting on the back porch, stick in one hand, glass of scotch in the other. And leting every possible thought/worry in my head melt away.
  • AdcuriumAdcurium Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 170
    Excellent! That's what I'm talking about. I'm interested in that zen experience. "Deadlines? Bills? What worries? No Worries here. Well, at least not while I'm enjoying my 5 Vegas..."
  • Smoke=FireSmoke=Fire Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 682
    In 1996 I was working down at the Wheeler Gorge Fire Station (Ojai, CA). It was my first permanent appointment for the Forest Service. My wife had stayed up in Bend OR as she was working up there for the FS as well. We had been married only two years at the time, but this was my big break getting permanent so we took it.

    I blame Rich Cutting, because he was the one who introduced me to premium cigars, and I took to them like a duck to water.

    Some of my best memories though were the times when I would sit on the front porch of the fire station (lived there) after work, with a glass of brandy or cognac, a good book, and a good cigar; my feet propped up on the porch rail, and watching the world go by. Sometimes I read, sometimes I just held the book. But those were some of the most relaxing memories in my life, those months.

    I cherish them.
  • ironhorseironhorse Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 469
    agreed! on all counts! in fact, I would say that is what I cherish most about cigars that it give me an excuse to stay in one place. Granted I try to enjoy a lot of things that way. But, I think that this reason alone is why I enjoy so many different blends of cigars (well constructed that is, HATE when I get a tight draw or poor burn) I have very few cigars that I do not enjoy. I (try to) set aside some time an hour a day to enjoy a cigar because it makes me a more enjoyable person to be around and I enjoy being around myself more too! Which is the most important thing. Even if it is not in some scenic setting, an hour with a cigar and sporting event or a book is crucial to me. That said, I love those weekends in the summer with a windless night and the sound of the water and the laughter of friends when I can get there!
  • Matt MarvelMatt Marvel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 930
    I enjoy a nice summer day, kicked back with a cigar and a cold beer, watching baseball. This is one of my most cherished cigar experiences. I'll head out to the lounge and catch a day game on the big screen there, and enjoy a smoke, talking baseball with the patrons. Or I'll kick back in my recliner at home and relax. Perfect way to to spend a day.
  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    On average, it's sitting on the back deck with a cold beer and taking time for myself. When possible, I enjoy a cigar outdoor...like WAY outdoors with the black bears and the birds and moose and such. It not only keeps the blackflies away, but it relaxes, which is what being outdoors is all about.

    Last fall I had a Gray-Jay land ON the cigar while I was smoking it. You don't get any closer to nature than that!
    <br /<
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    Last fall I had a Gray-Jay land ON the cigar while I was smoking it. You don't get any closer to nature than that!

    Now that is awesome right there!
  • pnaylonpnaylon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 214
    This past spring break my girlfriend and I drove up to lake livingston to my friend donny's lake house. After his award-winning grillmaster dad cooked ribs, me and donny settled down by the camp fire and enjoyed the night with Oliveros LTDs and some Cask rum. Doesnt get much better than that.
  • Dustin1981Dustin1981 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 410
    Oh, and I'm guilty of taking a weekend trip to the 'hardware store' (that's what I tell my wife, at least). I instead grab a cup of coffee and sit by the water for a smoke. (And when I come back empty handed, I tell her that they didn't have what I was looking for).
    That is great. I have told my wife that I have been cleaning up the garage 3 nights this week. It has been great but I am screwed if she checks. Oh well I will deal with that when it comes. Things are so hectic all the time I am just trying to get a few hours a week of peace.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    I too am a New Englander. All my life my family has had a place in Lake Winnipesaukee (Yes. In the lake. We're out on one of the many Islands). When we're up there my cigar experiences are many but, the best are those warm Summer nights after some Low & Slow smoking of some sort of meat for a fantastic meal. The kids taking a late dip my wife & I (and sometimes friends and family)out on the deck having adult beverages and of course one of my favorite cigars. Ahhhh. Can't wait.
  • undulacundulac Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,129
    My family, and I mean whole family, over fifty of us, go to the Outer Banks every year. We stay in a 20+ bedroom house right on the beach. My wife and two kids get in the car and drive 11-12 hours and get there around 6pm. We hug and kiss aunts and cousins that we haven't seen in a while and grab a bite to eat. After a few adult beverages most go to bed. Around 11pm my dad, brother, couple uncles, and a few cousins go sit out on the gazebo thirty yards from the moon lit ocean, listen to the waves, and all light our favorite sticks while solving the world's problems one issue at a time. After the cigars, my dad, brother, an I will hang out and light another (a super premium supplied by the old man) and just sit out there until about 2am if not later just sipping on Crown. It's my favorite night of the year.
  • HaysHays Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,262
    My family, and I mean whole family, over fifty of us, go to the Outer Banks every year. We stay in a 20+ bedroom house right on the beach. My wife and two kids get in the car and drive 11-12 hours and get there around 6pm. We hug and kiss aunts and cousins that we haven't seen in a while and grab a bite to eat. After a few adult beverages most go to bed. Around 11pm my dad, brother, couple uncles, and a few cousins go sit out on the gazebo thirty yards from the moon lit ocean, listen to the waves, and all light our favorite sticks while solving the world's problems one issue at a time. After the cigars, my dad, brother, an I will hang out and light another (a super premium supplied by the old man) and just sit out there until about 2am if not later just sipping on Crown. It's my favorite night of the year.
    My kind of memory right here...wish I could get my dad to have a smoke with me - he's an ex-smoker of 26 years, and won't come near it. :-(
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Probably one of the nicest Experience's I have with a cigar is in early summer here in the Deep South, sitting on my back porch smoking a cigar, with a glass of Jack Daniels, listening to sounds of summer while taking in the nice aroma of my cigar & Weber Smoky Mountain smoker slowly cooking some pork w/ applewood.
  • KCWKCW Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,253
    sounds of summer while taking in the nice aroma of my cigar & Weber Smoky Mountain smoker slowly cooking some pork w/ applewood.

    Oh yeah.....
  • bobdbobd Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 71
    The best memory that I have so far, was enjoying a cigar with my wife's 88 year old grandfather (a lifelong cigar smoker) the night before we were married.  Just the two of us by the lake smoking and relaxing.  He gave me advice and wisdom on life and marriage that only a man who has been married for 66 years can give.  I will never forget it.
  • Sandman1amSandman1am Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,567
    I don't know that I just have one experience that sticks out in my mind. I have so many that it's hard to name just one. More recently the Herf in Ohio with forum members smoking 3 sticks with some great BOTL talking about everything under the sun and just enjoying the company.....oh and I ashed on my pants.

    The Herf in Cali where the BOTL were more then helpful with such beautiful weather and great conversation. Not to mention the shrimp burrito and fish tacos.
    On that same trip finally getting a chance to sit down with my friend and smoke a cigar and catch up on life and family after a long time of not seeing each other.

    The many smokes that Tat (Phil) and I have enjoyed together at the many different times and places. It has helped with my mental health as well as just having some fun. All the great people that we have met and the food and drinks that we have enjoyed together.

    Finally having a few cigars with my father on my back porch and talking about things I never thought that he and I would ever be able to talk about. It is strange that it took him moving across the country for this to happen but better late then never. It is amazing what this hobby has done for me and my life. I'm looking forward to the next year as well.
  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    It is definitely the experience that I enjoy. The back porch watching the birds on the feeder, with my brother at a Gator football game, or when sitting by the fire camping with friends. I do smoke at work but I find a remote location, do not answer the phone and just monitor the radio for some quality time.
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    My favorite cigar experience is IMO a great one. I was deployed to Afghanistan, it was about September of last year. The weather was still pretty warm and enjoyable. I was sitting in the back of a pickup truck on our camp, reading a great book and smoking my first MOW Ruination. It was sun-down and off in the distance I could hear the call to prayer over the mosque loudspeakers in the near-by village. The sky was clear, and the sunset lit everything up with the most beautiful orange that can only be seen in that part of the world. I remember thinking while I sat there, "Thisis one of those moments I am going to remember for a long time." That is the most peafecul and relaxed I have ever been in my life. And it all happened while in a "combat zone." That just goes to show you the power of a good cigar, and some time meant just for it's enjoyment.
  • YankeeManYankeeMan Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,377
    It is indeed the experience. I've mentioned this before, but having the time to kick back and relax having a cigar with my son, being able to think and talk is what really matters.

    The most meaningful was with my older son, just before he was deployed. He and I and his younger brother were able to sit out on the patio and enjoy the time together. When he gets home this August, we hope to do that again. I'll pick out a special cigar.
  • ejenne87ejenne87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,921
    It is indeed the experience. I've mentioned this before, but having the time to kick back and relax having a cigar with my son, being able to think and talk is what really matters.

    The most meaningful was with my older son, just before he was deployed. He and I and his younger brother were able to sit out on the patio and enjoy the time together. When he gets home this August, we hope to do that again. I'll pick out a special cigar.
    I enjoyed a cigar with my old man after returning home from my last deployment. It was a great night, the best time I have ever spent with my father. We talked about everything and anything, tried to leave nothing out. I hope you get to enjoy some time like that with your son. It's pretty special.
  • Dark RoastDark Roast Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 463
    1989 I traveled with back pack for 7 weeks through Europe. I was 32 and needed a break. The European lfestyle was intoxicating and I immersed myself totally. Came back a changed man but after a while the rat race of America changed me back. It sucks! Anyway I too enjoy the experience and me time a cigar offers! And the B&M is a great place to hang with (mostly) men and just BS. I was recounting to neighbor yesterday that when I was 12 (1969) you could go to Barber Shop and guaranteed to find a Field and Stream magazine sitting right next to a Playboy. No one seemed to mind if I took a little glance at pages of Playboy. Pictures were not that explicit and i was hanging with my dad and a bunch of men! Ah the good old days. Love the BOTL!
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