How long to season?
I got a CCOM 20 ct about a month ago (maybe a little longer) and only seasoned for a couple of days before the hygro read 70% and I put my sticks in. It seems like a couple of sticks on the bottom were a little dry and since I didn't season for long, I figured maybe the wood didn't soak all the humidity in even though the humidity in the air read 70%. So I took the sticks out, put them in a ziploc with a Drymistat tube, and have been seasoning since Monday or Tuesday by putting a shot glass (well actually the bottom bit of a Solo cup :P) with distilled water in there, and I haven't opened it up since. With a humi of that size, how long is a good amount of time to wait before I can safely assume the wood has soaked in the moisture and won't be sucking it out of my cigars?
If your humi doesn't have the tightest of seals and the room it's sitting in is very dry, seasoning will take quite a while; if you live in a humid climate, seasoning is shorter because not as much moisture is being sucked out of the humi. I live in Florida, and the humidity in my room is around 40% in winter, 57% in summer, so your results may be different, but it usually takes me anywhere from 3 days to a week to season a new humi.