It wasn't just for Maddy, Laker.. I think there were surprise bombs for several downstream participants. It built up huge for maddy because he originated the boomerang. I understand you aren't trying to play down the seriousness of this, and I know I tend to take a harder line on these things. I may have been wrong to jump to this conclusion (wouldn't be the first time), I just don't have patience to wait for someone to uphold their end of a bargain. Like you, though, I'm actually an extremely trusting person. But I'm downright ruthless when that trust is betrayed. I don't even stand to lose anything in all this.
... I'm actually an extremely trusting person. But I'm downright ruthless when that trust is betrayed.
For what it's worth, I find that to be an admirable quality in people, as it shows that trust and honesty is something that actually matters to them. When the chips are down, those are the kind of people I want in my corner.
... I'm actually an extremely trusting person. But I'm downright ruthless when that trust is betrayed.
For what it's worth, I find that to be an admirable quality in people, as it shows that trust and honesty is something that actually matters to them. When the chips are down, those are the kind of people I want in my corner.
... I'm actually an extremely trusting person. But I'm downright ruthless when that trust is betrayed.
For what it's worth, I find that to be an admirable quality in people, as it shows that trust and honesty is something that actually matters to them. When the chips are down, those are the kind of people I want in my corner.
You don't want me.. I'm small and wimpy
I'll be in your corner... I collect Katanas... and know how to shave with 'em...
... I'm actually an extremely trusting person. But I'm downright ruthless when that trust is betrayed.
For what it's worth, I find that to be an admirable quality in people, as it shows that trust and honesty is something that actually matters to them. When the chips are down, those are the kind of people I want in my corner.
You don't want me.. I'm small and wimpy
I'll be in your corner... I collect Katanas... and know how to shave with 'em...
Yeah...I'm not sure if that is a reassuring fact, or just another thing that makes me scratch my head in wonder.
Hey Shirley, I read ya. Those are all excellent points and I totally agree. We're talking cigars here, and if somebody really desperately wants to swindle the group out of a dozen or so sticks, there's certainly opportunity to o that. I guess the validity in the "trading" exercise comes from the point that somebody who's simply in it to run away with free stuff would be doing a lot of work to score a hundred bucks worth of merchandise. There are a lot more lucrative and efficient scams on the web than this.
Hey Shirley, I read ya. Those are all excellent points and I totally agree. We're talking cigars here, and if somebody really desperately wants to swindle the group out of a dozen or so sticks, there's certainly opportunity to o that. I guess the validity in the "trading" exercise comes from the point that somebody who's simply in it to run away with free stuff would be doing a lot of work to score a hundred bucks worth of merchandise. There are a lot more lucrative and efficient scams on the web than this.
Which reminds me... I've got to go mail this check to pay these transfer fees... Can you believe some poor sob in a 3rd world country is wiring me 10 million dollars today just to transfer it to the US!!! All I have to do is get the bulk of the money to him and I still get to keep 2 million of it... Man! I'm placing a big order for cigars tommorow!! Woo Hoo!!!
awesome!! as soon as that $2M comes in, we all get free HMR's courtesy of Late for Dinner!! Should be any day now... any day.....
Didn't we already discuss calling me Late for Dinner? Now the gloves are down...
Take another look Shirley those are your panties that are down... your gloves come OFF !
I'll have you know I just did a double check and my panties are FIRMLY planted WAY up the crack of my ass... At this point it's gonna take a tow truck just to get 'em outta there, so I know there's know way in hell they just happened to fall down... (Unless it was during one of those wild seisures where I was clicking away by accident on
Perfect example is this trade with Joe... We're exchanging some sticks (5) that are around $5 a piece... (Actually I hooked Joe up pretty good, he just doesn't know it yet.. After this "trade" he'll post in the "Stand-up guys" post and then all will be good...
Do I need to go and reconfigure my pack for you now based on that? I'm gonna feel like a big jerk if i sent you about half what you sent me.
Sirius you threw in a bunch of Grape Phillies for Joe didn't you? Joe is a HUGE grape phillies fan if you didn't know. The plastic tubes just do it for him.
Well, Ok then. I did throw in a little extra initially anyway, because that's just what I do, but it's nothing much. And I'll have a delivery conf. # coming your way pretty soon, just about to head on over to the PO.
Sirius you threw in a bunch of Grape Phillies for Joe didn't you? Joe is a HUGE grape phillies fan if you didn't know. The plastic tubes just do it for him.
***! Grape Phillies... I knew I screwed up... I got a pack of 20 Captain Black Little Cigars... They say they're little, but anything made by a Captain has to be good right??? And I mean 20 of 'em... You can't go wrong!
I think Shirley's points about trades are very valid. I thought the same thing back when j0z3r proposed trading with him to give him some cred. I'm not sure what we can do about it, though. It's probably best just to proceed as we always have -- that is, primarily on trust. Any other approach I can think of would just sap the fun from the games.