Mysterious Mold...
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
in Cigar 101
So I happened to open my box of VSG's this morning and I found MOLD spots on many of them, mainly around the outside of the bundle. Now they are naked and for the most part have been untouched. I've had them for going on over a year and the box was at the bottom of my coolordor. Now I have a box of nestor's that are naked as well. No mold on them what-so-ever. I took a peak at my god of fire don carlos and yup, some of them had mold spots. Now these are the tubos and I should note that I have found some minor spots on the other tubos in my main humidor which sits at 63-65 RH on a consistent basis. No other cigar has any mold on them in that coolordor. I looked at my other one and opened up the Carlito tubo's and no mold. I moved my VSG's over to that humi after putting cello on the ones with the mold on them (wiped it off of course) and moved my carlos GOF as well. Now none of them were covered in mold spots only sporadic spots. I'm wondering what's going on? Is it that I am not opening up my coolordor's and humi enough? I haven't seen any other mold issues other than on the one's mentioned. I have a hard time believing it's the humi or the coolordor or others would have been touched.... Any ideas?