5th Wedding Anniversary Contest
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
My 5th Anniversary is just two months away. Kind of a milestone. It's been a great ride so far so I wanted to do something special for the wife this year. I know about all of the traditional gifts and celebrations, but I wanted to get some help and ideas from my fellow married BOTLs and hear what you guys did for your 5th or ANY anniversary.
So here's the deal: Start sharing your stories. I wanna hear what you did for your anniversary (without getting too graphic... wink, wink). Where'd ya go? What'd ya do? What'd ya get her? Was it creative? Romantic? Fun?
The BOTL who's story impresses me the most and influences MY anniversary will get something special in the mail. Plus, this should coincide pretty close with my 1000th post. So, it'll be two milestones in one.
So, let's hear your stories. Post pictures too, if you like........ I MEAN OF THE PLACES YOU GO OR THE GIFTS YOU GET, NOT THE HANKY PANKY STUFF!
***EDIT***: I didn't mean to exclude the non-married BOTLs from this contest. So, it is open to any BOTL who may have a suggestion. Maybe you know a guy who knows a guy that took his wife out for a nice anniversary. Or maybe with enough regression therapy, you divorced BOTLs can muster the courage to remember the "good days" of your past marriage.
So here's the deal: Start sharing your stories. I wanna hear what you did for your anniversary (without getting too graphic... wink, wink). Where'd ya go? What'd ya do? What'd ya get her? Was it creative? Romantic? Fun?
The BOTL who's story impresses me the most and influences MY anniversary will get something special in the mail. Plus, this should coincide pretty close with my 1000th post. So, it'll be two milestones in one.
So, let's hear your stories. Post pictures too, if you like........ I MEAN OF THE PLACES YOU GO OR THE GIFTS YOU GET, NOT THE HANKY PANKY STUFF!
***EDIT***: I didn't mean to exclude the non-married BOTLs from this contest. So, it is open to any BOTL who may have a suggestion. Maybe you know a guy who knows a guy that took his wife out for a nice anniversary. Or maybe with enough regression therapy, you divorced BOTLs can muster the courage to remember the "good days" of your past marriage.
Hell take someone elses wife and give her to you. If you are already married he'll force you to give your current wife up. Your new wife will be expensive, sit at home, wont work and you'll have to schedule sex 3 months in advance. If your new life together isnt working out so well hell appoint a whole team of government appointed marriage therapists who have extensive knowledge of farming, astrophysics and indoneseian macro-economics, that will draw on their fields of mastery to help your strggling relationship. Your new wife will not have any proof of us citizenship(i'd avoid Arizone if i were you) And comes with a whole list of government subsidies that only she will qualify for and you wont see a red cent of. And as an added perk if you you go into bankrptcy because she spent all of the money(dont think for a second you'll see a single penny of you paycheck anyway) the government will bail you out! Only catch is that should you opt to take the mandatory bailout for which you have no choice but to, the goverment will oversee all of you financial doings, day to day chores and career progression and will change as they see fit because he knows whats best for yor relationship.
So being unmarried sucks, it's lonely and hard but your life is your own, after all you worked hard to make it that way.......or would you want to "CHANGE" and be married.....
(didnt mean to thread hijack....i couldnt help myself:)
when we got married we were so busy at the reception that neither of us really ate anything, so once we finally got everyone out of the party we decided to go get something to eat. Across the street was a Taco Bell so we went over there and as we were in the drive up, I was pulling all the decorative beads and pins from my wifes hair.
Since then, we make a Taco Bell run for our anniversary every year. Sometimes we do more and sometimes we don't. There have been years when we have gone to a very nice dinner and been dissapointed and enjoyed our Taco Bell more than our dinner. It's kinda weird but it's our tradition.
I doubt this will "inspire" you but it's something that is special
The wife and I celebrated our 5th last year. She had to work, and we decided not to go anywhere, so I cooked her favorite meal, her favorite wine included, and picked up an small version of our wedding cake from the same bakery we used for our wedding. Like Dennis, we didn't eat much, and really didn't remember our cake. We kept telling ourselves we'd get around to picking one up. This was the best part, so she says.
As for gifts, I downloaded a couple cd's she's been wanting and got a few other little things she likes but hadn't got around to buying, along with a bracelet she'd been looking at. My theme was simple: let her know that I have, in fact, been paying attention all along.
Whatever you decide to do, enjoy!
I forgot to add that this was our first and only night away from the twins - they are 4 1/2
I later told that to my mom and she said "Call me when you hit 34 years"!
That was one of the first nights we had away from our kids (3 and 2), so we went a little overboard.