smoking time

I don't if I smoke slowly or not, but it seems like from what I read a lot of people finish ciagrs faster than I do. How long do you take to finish the variuos sizes and when do you consider a cigar to be finsished, at the band, nub, etc....
Robusto - 45-60 minutes
Toro/Torpedo - 1 - 1:15 hours
Churchill - 1:15 - 1:30 hours.
Double Toro - About two hours.
If you are enjoying your 'gar, And enjoying your pace. Then don't give a care at how fast/long it takes someone else. You just keep enjoying yours :-)
i smoke slow. I have made a Churchill last damn near 3 hours.
toros last me longer than most people take to smoke a churchill (1:45-2:15)
ive even squeezed 1:30-1:45 out of a robusto. coronas are usually just over an hour or so. petite coronas are in the 45 min range.
i dont want to think how long an A would last.
if anyone doesnt believe me just ask the guys that were at the MI/OH herf in Akron. that Avo 22 was 2+ hours.
..thats what i noticed when i slowed down.
just, yes
I also smoke very slowly. Typical robusto will last me 1:20-1:30, Toro 1:45 and a churchill 2 hours or more.
I am totally with the slow smokers here.
Cholmes can attest, I smoke a standard torp in about 2 hours. Robusto typically well over an hour.
I dont often venture into the churchil & presidente lines often because of this. Its really tough for me to commit over 2 hours to a cigar.
Id do it too if it was good enough.
Any idea how long it would take you to smoke one of those Double Happiness'?
I have found myself now smoking slower and slower. I was at the B&M sunday and had a Padron 1964 Imperial last close to 2hrs. I dont know if it was the conversation slowing me down or the fact that it was a great smoke but I dont concern myself with the length of time that it takes me to smoke. Just enjoy the ride.
I have noticed that lately my cigars are lasting longer and longer. I used to smoke a Robusto in 40-ish minutes when I figrst started smoking. These days a Robusto is going to last me well over an hour, sometimes up to 1:30. For example, I have been smoking a Cu Avana Intenso torp (6x54 i think?) for an hour and 45 minutes tonight, and still have about 2 inches/20-30 minutes left depending on temperature. I find that cigars taste better, and burn better when smoked at a slower steadier pace. Drawing once a minute/minute and a half tends to be the pace I find works best, but really I don't pay much attention to that. I also have found that strength is less of an issue when smoking slowly. You'll still feel it when you smoke a strong stick, but I haven't felt sick or overwhelmed by a cigar in for a while now, and I attribute that largely to smoking slower. Cigars tend to get bitter for me if they burn too hot, and that definitely happens more when i draw too often. My advice... take it slowwww... relax!