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I hate Obama



  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    After 8 years of Bush and their tactics, now talk like this after a year and a half...Im just speechless. I will now leave this topic.
    What tactics? Calling Muslim terrorists terrorists? Crazy stuff like that?
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Yes, stuff just like that. I hope they put his head on Mt. Rushmore one day...perhaps literally.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Yes, stuff just like that. I hope they put his head on Mt. Rushmore one day...perhaps literally.
    if someone IS a Muslim (and they self identify as one) and they ARE a terrorist (strap a bomb belt on and get on a bus full of innocent people) then they ARE a Muslim terrorist.

    i fail to see how that is wrong in any way.

    edit: i would never wish a violent end to anyone even a president i didnt agree with.
    thats very hateful.
  • JZJZ Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 827
    I for one like George Bush. There are things I didnt agree with but all in all I like him. I bet people liked him when he sent us money, I got $1500 extra while he was in office. Thats better than the billions upon billions that bailed out large companies. Bush got dealt a s h i t sandwich pretty much right off the bat and acted on it as I expect him to do. To say you want to see his head on Rushmore (literally) is no better than what your trying to defend. I think I'll pass on that beer.
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Yes, stuff just like that. I hope they put his head on Mt. Rushmore one day...perhaps literally.
    Tell us how you really feel. Stop holding back..... :-P
  • lilwing88lilwing88 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,787
    Yes, stuff just like that. I hope they put his head on Mt. Rushmore one day...perhaps literally.
    if someone IS a Muslim (and they self identify as one) and they ARE a terrorist (strap a bomb belt on and get on a bus full of innocent people) then they ARE a Muslim terrorist.

    i fail to see how that is wrong in any way.

    edit: i would never wish a violent end to anyone even a president i didnt agree with.
    thats very hateful.
    A smart man once said, "Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but every terrorist is a Muslim."
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Wow whats going on? I despise Obama's entire from of government but I would wish him no harm.
    We are way more mature than to pray evils upon others.
    I do wish we didn't have such a large government and had people in our nation that still believed in personal responsibility.
    But it seems to argue that point is mute.

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Yes, stuff just like that. I hope they put his head on Mt. Rushmore one day...perhaps literally.
    Ah yes, but the tea partiers are the violent and racists in your mind. Statements like this prove you can not hold an actual debate without getting emotional. Besides, with the thousands and millions of people that disagreed with President Bush, how many times did the Republicans say it was because he was white, or from Texas, or anything else... They admitted that people genuinely disagreed with him on policy. He didn't have excuses like race to hide behind.

    After 8 years of Bush and their tactics, now talk like this after a year and a half...Im just speechless. I will now leave this topic.

    So what does this have to do with the liberals using race? Seriously? Your statement makes no sense. President Bush did a lot of things I disagreed with as well, and he was WHITE... Clinton, same thing... Can't you debate current policy disagreements without blaming Bush? Bush didn't force President Obama to make the policy choices he has made.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Bush didn't force President Obama to make the policy choices he has made.
    yes he did. everything is Bush's fault. didnt you know that?
    the pothole in my street is his fault.
    the tight draw on the ruination the other day was his fault
    somehow WWII was his fault...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Bush didn't force President Obama to make the policy choices he has made.
    yes he did. everything is Bush's fault. didnt you know that?
    the pothole in my street is his fault.
    the tight draw on the ruination the other day was his fault
    somehow WWII was his fault...
    Yes, and so was Katrina, Global Warming, and slavery... All Bush's fault...

    It's sad that we hear more bitching about President Bush now than we did when he was actually in office. There has to be a statute of imitations on all this.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    stroke, stroke, stroke....and as always, thanks to Kuzi for acting as the morality police.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    stroke, stroke, stroke....and as always, thanks to Kuzi for acting as the morality police.
    thanks for your sarcastic assholeish quips that dont promote anything but hate to any viewpoint that is different than your own.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    Your welcome, ;) And how odd we cant write d!ck cheney or other mundane things here, but you snuck in the a-word. Im not offended at all, just think the filter is kinda funny. Technology never ceases to amaze.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    stroke, stroke, stroke....and as always, thanks to Kuzi for acting as the morality police.
    Spoken like a true liberal! Not a leg to stand on in an actual debate so you resort to personal attacks... Is there a playbook published for yall somewhere?
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Here is a good link for those who are interested in what deregulation and corporate welfare are actually doing to this world. I know this is just more left wing, Liberal BS but there are two opinions (at least) to every issue, and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule. This is what deregulation and trust of the corporate sector will get you. Despite what some of the well read but less informed BOTL here believe. Remember... there are TWO sides to every issue which means you must read and learn from both sides, not just the side which you already agree with. It is called a balanced approach, and can lead to real awareness.

  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Agreed, there are 2 views to every issue and after considering both, I still dislike Obama and his socialist agenda. To say it is not is to ignore ALL facts. The guy that was going to bring us all together has done more to divide this country than all presidents since Abe Lincoln!
  • JZJZ Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 827
    Bush didn't force President Obama to make the policy choices he has made.
    yes he did. everything is Bush's fault. didnt you know that?
    the pothole in my street is his fault.
    the tight draw on the ruination the other day was his fault
    somehow WWII was his fault...
    First Bush made my cigar draw tight, then Obama raised the price, jeez! Its all starting to add up, it's a conspiracy!!!! :)
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Here is a good link for those who are interested in what deregulation and corporate welfare are actually doing to this world. I know this is just more left wing, Liberal BS but there are two opinions (at least) to every issue, and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule. This is what deregulation and trust of the corporate sector will get you. Despite what some of the well read but less informed BOTL here believe. Remember... there are TWO sides to every issue which means you must read and learn from both sides, not just the side which you already agree with. It is called a balanced approach, and can lead to real awareness.

    To insult someone's intelligence because their views differ from yours is childish and shows a lack of tolerance. I am very well read and very well informed. I honestly watch and listen more liberal media sources than I do anything else. I know both sides, I just see too much emotion and not enough evidence on the left. Too many holes in their theories.
    And if you think saying someone who espouses liberal views is indeed a liberal, is name calling, then that's pretty thin skinned. If I called someone a left wing, nut job, bleeding heart, tree humping, eco-freak, commie, then yea, I could see being offended by that. But the word "liberal" being dubbed name calling? That's getting a little to easily offended. Why don't you ever call out Vulchor for his childish personal attacks on people? Oh that's right... Because you two have so much in common.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    You might want to re-read my post Puro.
    First I never mentioned YOU at all. But I guess I hit a nerve or something.
    I said in my post that people who label people Liberals OR ANYTHING ELSE is devoid or intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling.
    The same can be true of both sides of any arguement. You took it to as a shot to "right leaning political people" which it wasn't. This just proves what I was saying. As soon as ANY label get's attached to what a person says or thinks then you lose the ability to really look at what that person is saying because you consider them a Liberal, or a Republican or Conservative, Socialist, whatever. These are all just LABELS and they prevent any real honest, intelligent discussion.
    Very may of the posters here tend to use these labels to paint a picture of a person as thou because a person leans this way or that way on any INDIVIDUAL issue they can be labelled a Liberal, or whatever and that label then defines that person and ther stance on EVERYTHING now and forever more. It is silly, and it is a tactic used here and other places to stiffle open, intelligent discussion.
    Of course this is just my opinion Puro. Oh yeah, as to wether I have ever called out Vulchor for name calling (and other things as well) I have done it. That comment alone illistrates my point perfectly Puro. You have decided that because I have agreed with Vulchor on an issue or some issues even, that we are the same, and our thoughts, beliefs and feelings about the world are the same. Why? Because you consider us both LIBERALS, or SOCIALISTS or any other LABEL you have used to describes either of us in the past. THAT is what I find simplistic Puro, and it was NOT intended to be directed at you personally. You just took it that way.

    Oh BTW... no comments on the link and my original post, other then to deflect this to a name calling thing now?
  • gdsim1gdsim1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 213
    Awright boys, I want a good clean fight tonight. No hitting below the belt, no head butts, no rabbit punches, and no ear chompin' a la Mike Tyson. Break when I call for a break. In the event of a knockdown, go to a neutral corner and wait for my instructions. Standing 8 count is in effect. Protect yourselves at all times. Any questions? Then... Lets git it on!!!

    This is why you never discuss politics or religion fellas. I think we need a smoke & a scotch, and then we can hug it out. If you want to discuss the issues, lets attack the issues & not each other. We're all BOTL here right? And that means none of us are any less deserving of each others respect that any other.

    PS: Special shout out to the best judge in the history of daytime TV - JUDGE MILLS LANE!!!

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Here is a good link for those who are interested in what deregulation and corporate welfare are actually doing to this world. I know this is just more left wing, Liberal BS but there are two opinions (at least) to every issue, and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule. This is what deregulation and trust of the corporate sector will get you. Despite what some of the well read but less informed BOTL here believe. Remember... there are TWO sides to every issue which means you must read and learn from both sides, not just the side which you already agree with. It is called a balanced approach, and can lead to real awareness.

    To insult someone's intelligence because their views differ from yours is childish and shows a lack of tolerance. I am very well read and very well informed. I honestly watch and listen more liberal media sources than I do anything else. I know both sides, I just see too much emotion and not enough evidence on the left. Too many holes in their theories.
    And if you think saying someone who espouses liberal views is indeed a liberal, is name calling, then that's pretty thin skinned. If I called someone a left wing, nut job, bleeding heart, tree humping, eco-freak, commie, then yea, I could see being offended by that. But the word "liberal" being dubbed name calling? That's getting a little to easily offended. Why don't you ever call out Vulchor for his childish personal attacks on people? Oh that's right... Because you two have so much in common.
    You might want to re-read my post Puro.
    First I never mentioned YOU at all. But I guess I hit a nerve or something....
    i think that the line in question here is this:
    ...Despite what some of the well read but less informed BOTL here believe....
    this may have sounded to Puro as an insult to the more conservative/libertarian point of view.

    as far as your link... ill get to it when i have more time.

    i have a cigar waiting for me.
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    I hate to continue the pettiness in your post Puro, but I do take issue with a few points.

    First and foremost, if Laker was talking about anyone and name calling---I thought he was referring to me. So to attack him just because we both have differences in opinions as compared to yours was unneeded.

    Second, I have spent the last 30mins reading through "Puros Rants", "Vulchors View From the Nest" and other topics---and they are in fact full of littl phrases like the ones you list up there....including calling people (namely myself) ignorant, uninformed, stupid, and comparing me to a retarded child in a post I made-----so please kettle, speak nicer to pot.

    Lastly, you have no idea what Laker and I have in common, and I doubt its more than you and Kuzi or you and any number of other right wingers on this board---and saying it meanwhile, serves no purpose.
  • Alex WilliamsAlex Williams Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,515
    so please kettle, speak nicer to pot.
    im not gonna lie, that made me smile... i will go back to not being involved in this thread as i'd rather not get heated as i am prone to do :D yall have a good one!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    im not a "right winger"

    i dont consider myself conservative.
    i am libertarian. the conservative movement violates rights in other ways. we just happen to be talking about the current administration.

    its funny, when i enter a conversation about economics or regulations i get accused of being a "right winger"
    ... but when i enter a conversation about abortion, Gay rights, and war justifications i am a "liberal nut-job"
  • VulchorVulchor Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,176
    So Kuzi....does this mean you coming out and telling us you go both ways??? :)
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Here is a good link for those who are interested in what deregulation and corporate welfare are actually doing to this world. I know this is just more left wing, Liberal BS but there are two opinions (at least) to every issue, and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule. This is what deregulation and trust of the corporate sector will get you. Despite what some of the well read but less informed BOTL here believe. Remember... there are TWO sides to every issue which means you must read and learn from both sides, not just the side which you already agree with. It is called a balanced approach, and can lead to real awareness.

    Ok, I'd like to address your link you posted here now. I would have yesterday, but I'm in the middle of moving and was actually posting on here with my BlackBerry while I was on the crapper. Made it a little tough to check out the link and read it.

    Now that I have read it, I don't understand how this is a complaint against corporations... This is much more a problem with the government. The oil companies didn't write this law, or vote on it, or sign it into law... That was the government. I think the oil company should be held responsible for the cost of the clean up from this spill. That only makes sense. But the government gave them a loophole. I said this in a discussion with Phobic the other day and the same applies. If you limit the power of the government to where they don't have the power to grant these "special favors" for any company, it would end the political corruption and people would have to be responsible for their own actions. This is much more a problem with government than it is with any corporations.

    On a side note, the line I took issue with was:
    "and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule."

    This post was right after I had posted using the word "liberal." You can say it wasn't directed at me, and Vulchor you can say he was talking about you, but I didn't see you call anyone a liberal... Regardless, the link you posted Laker was very interesting and I had already read a lot about this. I just don't see how that can be seen as corporations doing something to screw over the American people when it was clearly a program set up by the government.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    WOW Ive ben gone for a few days and this thread turned into what I predictably knew it would, BOTL losing there minds and heads and postings that are the most absurd and Insane that I have ever seen. Maybe putting OMAMA's head up on Mt. Rushmore would do it.......... Then all of the Lakota Tribes would band together and finish what they started when The White man ran them over and took their land and defaced the Sacred Black Hills with this Carving. ALthough I have been there many many times and it is AWES InSPiring and If your a True AMERICAN it will bring Tears to your EYES...... OBAMA's MUg up there will NEVER HAPPEN.
    What a Beautiful Place

    Maybe OBAMA could be Placed HERE

    Devils Tower


  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Here is a good link for those who are interested in what deregulation and corporate welfare are actually doing to this world. I know this is just more left wing, Liberal BS but there are two opinions (at least) to every issue, and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule. This is what deregulation and trust of the corporate sector will get you. Despite what some of the well read but less informed BOTL here believe. Remember... there are TWO sides to every issue which means you must read and learn from both sides, not just the side which you already agree with. It is called a balanced approach, and can lead to real awareness.

    Ok, I'd like to address your link you posted here now. I would have yesterday, but I'm in the middle of moving and was actually posting on here with my BlackBerry while I was on the crapper. Made it a little tough to check out the link and read it.

    Now that I have read it, I don't understand how this is a complaint against corporations... This is much more a problem with the government. The oil companies didn't write this law, or vote on it, or sign it into law... That was the government. I think the oil company should be held responsible for the cost of the clean up from this spill. That only makes sense. But the government gave them a loophole. I said this in a discussion with Phobic the other day and the same applies. If you limit the power of the government to where they don't have the power to grant these "special favors" for any company, it would end the political corruption and people would have to be responsible for their own actions. This is much more a problem with government than it is with any corporations.

    On a side note, the line I took issue with was:
    "and those who label people as Liberals or anything else are just devoid of intelligence so they resort to what they know... name calling and ridicule."

    This post was right after I had posted using the word "liberal." You can say it wasn't directed at me, and Vulchor you can say he was talking about you, but I didn't see you call anyone a liberal... Regardless, the link you posted Laker was very interesting and I had already read a lot about this. I just don't see how that can be seen as corporations doing something to screw over the American people when it was clearly a program set up by the government.
    I'm not going to go over this point by point because I don't feel there is any need to.
    Puro, the way this is a corporation problem is that they LOBBY the government. You made the following point

    Now that I have read it, I don't understand how this is a complaint against corporations... This is much more a problem with the government. The oil companies didn't write this law, or vote on it, or sign it into law... That was the government. I think the oil company should be held responsible for the cost of the clean up from this spill. That only makes sense. But the government gave them a loophole. I said this in a discussion with Phobic the other day and the same applies. If you limit the power of the government to where they don't have the power to grant these "special favors" for any company, it would end the political corruption and people would have to be responsible for their own actions. This is much more a problem with government than it is with any corporations.

    Corporation lobby governments. They bribe individuals and they use the power of the dollar to push politicians around. Politicians are board members, investors or just greedy individuals who will in many cases sell themselves out to corporations. Your point about taking away the governments power to allow this sort of thing is confusing. I thought that you were in favor of LESS regulation. Or does that only go for the corporations? Regulate the government to he ll but leave our corporations alone!!! LMAO.

    BP the company which caused this latest mess, is also drilling here in Northern Canada. With our over regulated way of doing things they are required to have a relief well drilled as part of the method for bringing this well in. The company had asked the Canadian Government to allow them to NOT have to drill the relief well, because up North every minute counts and it would take a long time to drill the relief well in addition to the service well, so they were asking to be allowed to go ahead without one. THIS is the kind of thing which corporations do all the time. Did BP have any other reason for wanting this regulation to be removed? NO, Time, and time is money.
    When asked by several members present what BP had come up with for a contingency plan for a spill and how to handle the oil, ice, water situation... they had no answer as they said they had never had a real life experience with dealing with that type of situation.

    So here is a corporation asking to be allowed to play by a set of rules of their own making, in order to save money. Not because they had come up with a safer method just a faster one. Make u your mind Puro. Are regulations a good thing or a bad thing. When no regulations exist, or these OH SO HONORABLE corporations are allowed to work in a regulation free zone, they will cut corners and the lure of money will cause them to make decisions which should not be made, AND would not be made by people who had concerns larger then the bottom line.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    WOW Ive ben gone for a few days and this thread turned into what I predictably knew it would, BOTL losing there minds and heads and postings that are the most absurd and Insane that I have ever seen. Maybe putting OMAMA's head up on Mt. Rushmore would do it.......... Then all of the Lakota Tribes would band together and finish what they started when The White man ran them over and took their land and defaced the Sacred Black Hills with this Carving. ALthough I have been there many many times and it is AWES InSPiring and If your a True AMERICAN it will bring Tears to your EYES...... OBAMA's MUg up there will NEVER HAPPEN.
    What a Beautiful Place

    Maybe OBAMA could be Placed HERE

    Devils Tower


    Obama's head would not fit on either place, it's just way too big.

    Laker, please explain how it makes any sense to allow the corrupt politicians who are bribeable to regulate corporations who you say do the bribing??? Isn't that like letting a chicken theif guard the coop? And how do you regulate government, you can't. You can shrink the size and thus the power of it, and as a conseqence the need to pass bribes through it becomes moot. More government is not the answer, it's the problem.
  • cabinetmakercabinetmaker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,561
    WOW Ive ben gone for a few days and this thread turned into what I predictably knew it would, BOTL losing there minds and heads and postings that are the most absurd and Insane that I have ever seen. Maybe putting OMAMA's head up on Mt. Rushmore would do it.......... Then all of the Lakota Tribes would band together and finish what they started when The White man ran them over and took their land and defaced the Sacred Black Hills with this Carving. ALthough I have been there many many times and it is AWES InSPiring and If your a True AMERICAN it will bring Tears to your EYES...... OBAMA's MUg up there will NEVER HAPPEN.
    What a Beautiful Place

    Maybe OBAMA could be Placed HERE

    Devils Tower


    Obama's head would not fit on either place, it's just way too big.

    Laker, please explain how it makes any sense to allow the corrupt politicians who are bribeable to regulate corporations who you say do the bribing??? Isn't that like letting a chicken theif guard the coop? And how do you regulate government, you can't. You can shrink the size and thus the power of it, and as a conseqence the need to pass bribes through it becomes moot. More government is not the answer, it's the problem.
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