Homemade Humidor
Hey guys, this feels like potentially stupid question - but would a cookie tin lined with cigar box cedar be ok for use as a humidor? Are there any problems with the metal fouling the cigars as anyone knows? Thanks!
I wouldn't want my cigars smelling/tasting like rust... but that's probably something that is easy to catch and avoid happening. For a temp humidor I would totally say it's worth trying, and I'd try it myself. But as a permanent thing I would be concerned.
If I were you, I'd skip the hassle, and find a friend with an igloo cooler that he'll sell you for a couple bucks, and convert that into your humi ;-)
Don't bother with a 20 count - you're going to end up filling it in a week or two if you have the available cash. Grab a decent 150 count, a few beads, and a digital hygrometer.