Pelican Case Good/Bad humidor?

in Cigar 101
So I realized I have a big pelican case I can use as a humidor. Just pull out the foam and viola, add my sticks and my water pillows (all I got for now) and they should keep for a while. At least til I get a humidor, and no Ron they didn't have any at the PX. I might have to try the bazaar. L8R All
That sounds like a great purchase for later. I have two cases here, one for my lap top and one for my Computer accessories, Hard drives and the mouse and cords. I just purchased a humidor for like 70 sticks and I also signed up for cigar of the month club. That will put me at about 45 cigars and I think that is a decent start. I will have an excess of the Sol Cubano Cuban Cabinet cigars if anyone is interested in getting a few through trade or handout depending on how much I like them. Gotta love free Cigars!! Oh yea Ron, just to rub it in, I got my 30+ cigar order in 4 days and the website says it hasn't even shipped yet. LOL Take care and I hope you aren't getting as much rain as we are. Big drops ya know.
A god friend and colleague of mine has a pelican travel humidor and likes it very much. He carries about 10 sticks when he travels. I opted for one of the smaller Xikar cases, (5 sticks), they too make them larger. I don't bring as many with me when I travel, just a few to have around. I really like searching out and finding the local cigar shops wherever I am traveling too, and try to support the local tobacconist by buying one or two. The case works great. I smoke some of mine, buy some of theirs and I go home with an almost full case.
The rain was a metaphor for incoming rounds.