I would bro', but I don't have any of these. I love the LFD's as well. Maybe we should consider a box split of the Double Maduro' or the airbenders?
The Beard managed to help find me several boxes of the Double Ligero maduro Chisel a month or two ago. Nice price, too. If you do decide to grab a box or two, you could always email him.
I would bro', but I don't have any of these. I love the LFD's as well. Maybe we should consider a box split of the Double Maduro' or the airbenders?
I'd be all over it if I had the cash or anywhere to put em. I just upgraded from a 50ct to a 125 ct, and managed to fill it in less than two weeks. I've got like 20 ruinations though, so I thought trade would be best.
I would bro', but I don't have any of these. I love the LFD's as well. Maybe we should consider a box split of the Double Maduro' or the airbenders?
I'd be all over it if I had the cash or anywhere to put em. I just upgraded from a 50ct to a 125 ct, and managed to fill it in less than two weeks. I've got like 20 ruinations though, so I thought trade would be best.
Yeah I still have a half box of Ruinations right now myself. You should move up to a coolerdor. They rock. I never run out of space, and just looking at the size of this thing makes me realize that I never should even try! LOL. Good luck with your search bro'.