Ok, let's say you're around a crowd you really don't like - what cigar would you light up to clear the room or just not-so-subtlety tell the mob "GTFO"?
Black and Mild! That is the nastiest smelling stuff I have ever smelled. We had a lady that escaped a carjacking by burning the perp with a black and mild last week. At least they have some redeeming value.
a fart! lol, um Acid Nasty since people seem to think it smells like the name.... havn't had one yet myself so I'm going off that based on other people's opinion!
One of my Scoutmasters way back when (before it was considered a crime against humanity to smoke around children) smoked this Italian brand Parodi. (At least it sounds Italian, turns out it's a USA brand). A little dry cured thing, looked like a dog rocket and smelled worse (if that was possible). Although, part of me wants to track one down and see what it's really like. I don't think I ever saw Jack without one of these damn things in his mouth.
My grandfather used to smoke some type of Italian stogie. It looked like in may have been wrapped by Helen Keller, had about four or five bends in it and it smelled like someone peed on a hot radiator. That cigar could clear out an auditorium!
My grandfather used to smoke some type of Italian stogie. It looked like in may have been wrapped by Helen Keller, had about four or five bends in it and it smelled like someone peed on a hot radiator. That cigar could clear out an auditorium!