i tried to drop hints pretty heavy on the installation part but i do see how it was hard lol.....soryr about that guys...but start guessing on the last stick i smoked....OH ITS NOT A MADURO BTW..SORRY...lol..but it is a corojo.....on top of the that....it starts with a C.....and its one of my favorite brands by far
just to make this go faster....im claiming GHaus as the winner...it was a camacho corojo 10th anniversary...he left that part out but he is close enough.....pm me ur info my friend. ur turn
ok... new game... I'm not a huge gamer by any means but I got a few PS3 games for Christmas and am currently playing one that I'm pretty sure is the best game I've ever played... name that game!
ok... new game... I'm not a huge gamer by any means but I got a few PS3 games for Christmas and am currently playing one that I'm pretty sure is the best game I've ever played... name that game!
let me go with dead red redemption.its a great game that I played for months..i loved it
well... like I said, it's a third person game... it's similar to Uncharted in the fact that it has puzzles you have to solve as well as bad guys to fight... more hand to hand combat though, since the main character never carries a gun