CCOM humidor getting dry very quickly?
Hey all, I got a CCOM 20 ct humidor with those magnetic seals about two months ago, and it worked great for a while - I spent about a week seasoning it, and then it held at a steady 65-70% with a drymistat tube. The last week or so, though, it's been steadily going down, for a few days it hung between 60-65%, but the last two days it's gone way down to 55-57%. This obviously is bad. I don't think it's my hygro (Springfield digital) because it's reading a lot lower than it did before, and I don't think a hygrometer can get that inaccurate in so short a time. Is it possible that either a) all the moisture got absorbed from the wood and I need to reseason or b) I've somehow developed a leak? I hope it's not b), that would suck...