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Arizona Law



  • minibeezyminibeezy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 257
    check where i am from. i live ten minutes from the arizona border. las vegas has the same problems arizona has . the law wasnt a new law. they are just gonna use it now. i can see some racial concerns. this will happen. but if you are here legally, you got nothing to worry about. do your home work. if you go to mexico and you dont have the right paperwork you go to jail. not deported. atleast we send you home not to jail. it is the first step to a huge problem...with no easy solution
    I agree, for the most part. I was just trying to point out that if you are an American Mexican you may face being stopped several times a day, day in and day out. Surely that would "get old" real quick. But it is a problem that needs addressing all right.
    exactly! Maybe we should make them put colors on, I mean might as well. That way we can all see who they are. I mean it worked for nazi germany. This is really wrong. Jan Brewer still doesn't get it. She wants to build a fence, more troops at the border, which is really funny since can anyone tell me when in history this worked? I mean the great wall of china didn't keep the Mongols out? A fence won't stop it. People come here for two reasons, money/work or to traffic. If they can't get jobs they will more than likely move on, Mexico could perhaps make their people happier by I dunno, giving them jobs that pay decently. Here's a good read on how dumb this lady is and how stubborn. I don't like what these ranchers have to deal with any bit but putting up a fence and making it more of a police state isn't the way to go. I mean already the police have so much power.

    I'm having a hard time figuring out where you're coming from. First of all, the Nazi comparison is lame. When I travel outside the US, I make sure I have my passport and any other documentation I need before I go, and if required, I carry it on me at all times. Every country in the world requires this, including the US. Why should we not enforce it? Why is it so hard for people to follow the rules? If you are a citizen or have a work visa or some other form or paperwork that you are required to carry to prove you are allowed here, you should carry it with you and if you're questioned, present it. It's not hard.

    Mexico is not going to change anything. Their President has made his stance on keeping our borders open perfectly clear. He said he doesn't mind this new flux of officers, as long as they're not used to detain people crossing the border. So what do we do? Just let them come over?

    Arizona requires all employees to use E-verify (something Obama keeps pushing back for Federal contracts). Apparently trying to curb the problem by keeping all business in the state from hiring illegal aliens, thus reducing illegal immigration, isn't working. Since the work is still available to them, what other options does she have? Every poll I've seen shows that the majority of the Arizona population (and the rest of the country for that matter) is in favor of the law. If companies are going to continue to hire them, the only other option is to crack down and enforce laws. Since the feds wont do that, she's taking matters into hew own hands.

    I also don't see how the police are going to abandon their normal duties and just start a witch hunt on all brown people. The only thing the new law requires is that if there is reasonable suspicion, the officer must ask about the legal status of the person. There's no way the whole force is just going to start pulling every brown person over just to question them. Sure, there might be one or maybe a few assholes out there, but those people are going to find a way to abuse their power regardless of what the laws are. If you get questioned, have your ID or paperwork, show it, and go on your way. If not, well...

    Given the choice between Obama's option of amnesty and Gov. Brewers crackdown, I support the crackdown. I don't think we should be rewarding people who are breaking the law with the right to become citizens. There are too many people out there trying to do it the right way. It's a slap in the face to those people who have followed the rules.

    Just cuirious, do you support amnesty of these illegal aliens? If so, I'd love to hear why. If not, I'd love to hear your alternative to what Arizona is doing.
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    The thing is, Arizona's law is actually tougher on cops than Federal law is.

    Federal law, on the books for 58 years, and re-affirmed by the US Supreme Court in 2005, says federal agents can ask for ID papers at any time, for any reason or even no reason at all. Federal agents can use skin-color to decide who does and doesn't get asked for papers - LOOK UP THE LAW YOURSELF - stop depending on a media that has an axe to grind and pledges loyalty to a political party.

    The Arizona law, requires police to have reasonable suspicion (a very well-defined legal concept), and even then, the police can only ask for identification after stopping the person for something else, like a traffic stop. Additionally, the Arizona law forbids using skin-color as a method of determining who to stop

    So who's really lying here? Obama when he says he's gonna investigate this AZ law? La Raza, who supports a completely open border, and goes on TV saying the law is racist? Jess Jackson who hasn't read either federal law or the AZ law? Or is this entire thing being blown up by the far Left in anticipation of the upcoming elections - elections I remind you, that polls show the Dems being slaughtered at the ballot box, and in desperate need of a reason to rally their base

  • fla-gypsyfla-gypsy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,023
    Last report I saw on this most of the prominent critics had not even read the thing so they are just blowing their piehole on it
  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    The e-verify is great but the people hiring these illegals aren't doing it. If they did do it or at least were investigated I doubt there would be this type of problem. Also if these places that hire illegals (I'm assuming most are construction, field work) were unionized then this problem wouldn't be as big as it is.
    And the nazi parallel was lame? I dunno, I sort of see it not. As it states, anyone who seems "Illegal" is very open to interpretation. And I do believe that most of the cases already brought up were due to "brown" people being harassed. The thing is this law was brought about because of mexicans jumping the border. Now you guys and this law is suppose to make me believe that this law wasn't made up to zero in on "brown" people? yeah, I'm not no scholar but hell I can figure this out. And this is the US, it's a sad day when its own citizens actually say, yeah let's just all carry all documentation on ourselves in "case" we get stopped. Well that is a reason why we get driver licenses. If that isn't good enough then let us all get tagged with micro chips. I mean last I heard a issued license is already proof of citizenship. Hell I had to get three pieces of information, including a SS #, and a birth certificate. But wait no, that isn't good enough. I doubt this law would be so scrutinized if it had worked out a lot of the language.
  • minibeezyminibeezy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 257
    Actually, I believe a drivers license or state issued ID card is enough. I assume if you get pulled over or an officer asks for your ID, they run your info just like every other state. They find everything is cool and they go from there. It happens for traffic violations all the time. If you don't have either one of those, you should have some form of ID or proof that you are in this country legally, just like you need anywhere else in the world. There is nothing excessive or burdensome about that. Also consider it's federal law that if you are not a citizen, you must have some form of documentation on you at all times.

    I also think the e-verify is the state's attempt to regulate business. I haven't read the law, but I assume there are fines if people don't comply. That said, I still haven't heard one good alternative to what Arizona is doing. You acknowledged that as long as the opportunity is here for the illegals, they will come. It's a two way street. Many of these illegals come here knowing they can break the law and get away with it for the most part. So Arizona is cracking down and making it harder on them. I don't see what else they can do. As stated earlier, the Federal laws are much stricter, yet they aren't enforcing them. The people are tired of it.

    The law was signed because there is a problem with illegal immigration. The law says nothing about color or race. It also states officers cant target people because they look illegal. There has to be some other reason for the officer to approach a person, and during that time, if there is suspicion, the officer has to ask about their status. I don't see what the big deal is. Officer asks for ID, you provide it, and it's over, assuming you're a citizen.

    I don't know if I can make you understand what I see when I read it (politics are strange like that). Basically, I need an ID when I drive my car. I need ID to purchase beer or cigars. I need ID to open a bank account or use my debit/credit card. Given how much I need my ID, I just carry it with me all the time and I have no problem or any extra effort in my daily activity because of this. I respect our law enforcement officers, and if asked to do something, I comply. I don't understand how any American citizen could have trouble with this law.
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