That's no fair giving Duty an advantage. I'll be back with my answers later though. Right now I have to get studying for 2 exams that I have tomorrow. Algebra and chemistry, no fun. Algebra actually isn't too bad and chemistry is OK, but I have a lot that I need to memorize for it before tomorrow.
Yes... for anybody that hasn't heard me say it on here yet -- It is nearly impossible to offend me. I believe my wife's "code name" among the women in her "trip club" (first rule about trip club -- never talk about trip club....) is "Boobs 2009"
We'll just have to figure out a way to make those things pay for themselves
I believe it's or something like that... Don't expect big checks these days though... Just too many to choose from, not a lot of traffic... bwhahhaha
We had a good one in our apartment in college. Of course the deposit we lost for cutting a hole in the celing to anchor it to the joists, was definetly worth it. Especially the night the drunk fat girl thought it looked like fun. Ever seen a naked girl that you couldn't tell if she was naked or it the rolls were covering up her under-garments.